Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 14, 3 ʻOkakopa 1893 — Is it Herr Glade Again. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Is it Herr Glade Again.

The lrr*pr*«)bfe p. — A dutter iii the auuexationiste' i eaoip. Waoso tbe (>res<*nt gov- j ernment hax reeeir*Hl un aeknowlecg<iient froflj Kassia of 3 lett«r \ eight mont!is ohl. — Was the *rue stat«is of the Pn> vigion.»l Government rej»resei.te<l to the Em(>eror of Ku!i.sia , If so, j how eame be to know of the es- ; istence of a "HawaiiHn Kepob- ! licf I The ulook of Hawaiiau destiny . has been goiug bsckwan.l ever , siTice the 17tb of January, an«l will koep ou going so, ontil a j reign of »lesp«}tisrn ceases to eiist. Cert*inly, it will be a great cornpliraeut. By all uieans hoist the Russian standan) for one hour. The saluting “detail” will manage to woriy- the salute through in th»t time. Oh! its etiquette. Is Hawaii going to join the Franco-Rnssian allianee/ Trot out tbe Kaimiloa’ France, Kussia and Hawaii!!! Where is the Genuan-Austrian Consul? Oh! Glade, get your gan, get your gun! I The Czar will be awfully pleased when he hears abont the salute fireil from the batter3’, presented to King Kalakaua by tbe Emperor oi Austria. at the eommand of President Hatch of “the Hawaiian Kepnhlie.” Verily, whom the Gods wish to destroy, they make fit for rooms at Hotel de Auld!