Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 14, 3 October 1893 — The Stranding of the C.A.S. S. Miowera. [ARTICLE]
The Stranding of the C.A.S. S. Miowera.
Tbe C. A. S. S. Miowera from Svduey wis reported early !a.st eveniug as being ot! tbe port. T!mse interested in her arrival and others »ho were on tbe dock watching tbe 'teamer eotering t'je ehaunel. noticed tbe lengthv -tupi.ag} of t'»e vess,*1 at tbe ruuuth of tbe eotrance, wondered «bat tbe c;«nse of it could be. N > • ue for a mouient t : iongbt tbat t-;e Miowen bad stranded on tbe re-f. A native was overh©ard tosay, “tbat be tboag t thē steamer was asbore.’ It was not antil nenrly uiue o’eloek tbat the fact was known; at whieh time Harbor Master Foller aud Mr. 1>. . HoldsWorth reiurned from the steamer to procure the aid of the tug Elen. At aboat 9 4ō tbe tng steam<’d oat to tbe scene of the disaster, and is still there. At tbree o’eloek this morming. .Messrs. Hackfeld A Co.’s steam scow towing another one witb tbirty-five men in cbarge of C«pt. Jere Simonson went ont tn the steamer for the pnrpose of lischarging somo of the eoal, so is to ligbten the Tes.st‘l. Tbis 'oruing tlie steamer James Makee went oat to lend a helpng baud. At about half past ten o’eloek this forenoon. tbe C1hqdine went out to reuder assist anee. Latest— 1;30 o’eloek, the steamer Claudino and the tug Elen aro botb tiying to pull tho Miowera otf. Tbe James Makee bas returned frora tbe scene of tbe disaster. Tbe steam scow is at tbe P. M. S. S. dock, discbarging about 35 tons of eoal. scow is alongside of the steamer receiving pig iron. About 150 tons of eoal bave beea jettisoned. Tbe steamer lies in a verv dangerous loeaiion.
W e hear thnt une of the alleged <ljnamite conBpirator whom the P. G. faiied to exchanged eomplimenl» with tbe Minister of ?nterior tbis mor»irg >m tbe o. S. S. Co’e dock. Tbe “eonapimtor” we nuderstand ssked th* minister how murh a>irsge the mioister (not ae minister, but as a subordinata ofex-vice-pre«ident Wild•r) would demand if the Claudine
shnuld aucceed in pulling tbe Mi*wera off the reef. Tbe Minister (not as miuieter, but as etc.) anewered that '*his cmnpany” (rot t'ie P. G. but the Wilders) wou!d not he satisfied with leee than two thirdsof theetr«nded eteamer. Tbe ”conspirator” eTidenllj got exciud orer Ihe niodest prop*«*it on and the reeult was an aItercHtion whieh at one time, we are Uild looked 1 «elj to h** endt-d in a fisticuff It is f 'rtunate that the goTernmeiit bas got one ‘"elugger” among its memhere —and it is fortunete for tbe owners of the Miowera that the Claudiue dtdn’t t»ke her off and ela med the ealTage.