Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 13, 2 October 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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Rnrd Conc*rt »t Emma Sq««rc th : 9 «venin)ij. The C. A. stnara.9hip Miowera is due th's afternoon from Sydnev en route to Vmcouver B. C. In all probahility, Minister Willis will nrrive on the ste«mship Oce<nic duo here on the 17th instant. *• \ 'r<»h<*l’c pownning ppxlucing iMra!v8i« ot the i>spin*tnry een t**rfl,” wi9 th** ean»» 1 of a man’i> d**Hth l»st Pator*l«y night. The reception given on board of the U. 8. F. S. Pbiladelphia hi81 SiturdHV afteruoon, was a very pleasant affnir. Those who were present 8|>ent an enjoyab!e aftornoou. * Holomua Sir?” said one of the pa er carriers to a reverend gent. tbe otber afternoon. It is □ edless to say. that the reverend did not pnrchase a copy. Tbo Holokua is on the conntor at the Hnwaiian News Co. - ■ ■ ■■ Mr. J. F. Colburn eDtertained a number of friends in his most hoepiinhle aod gonial manner at his reaidence at Ewa ye«terd*y. The party was given in honor of bis eooam Mr. J. C. Colburn of St. Louin (Mo.) who at present is visiting the islands. The NaUoaal Band was in attondance, and famished the naoai fine mosic. There are some proapects of indacing Bobert Louis Stevenson to give another infonnal talk before h« leaves tfaese ūdacds. If the ThtaUe Club is hooored again by his pmaenee, wa trast that Mr. Reynolds has got the •*doxoIogy” by heart Chi«f Lindsay doesn*t admit that be foo)ed brother Beynolds. ia fact he says: “The dorted deeril dis na' ken a meeiing o* the preebvtery fr*e a gathering o‘ uacoveoanted sianers ’ '*

Th«» Kin*a. I»n!ani. W Kii i, *o l J*ia«4 M arw |> I • l«#n» f>r thrir n jort> t 'Ui>rro». The Atlvertiser tuan hasorian-* is oiroulating a new fsul. This time it is. that the myaliafcs ar«‘ talking r>,-s-toralion to Uike plaee after thc arrival of the Austn»!ia. The s|*eotn* «f restoration evidently haunts that inan. It mav he tantalizino to have « o t» “hum* up,” hut, therv are occasions evo:i on Judd street, when expedieucj’ is requisite. A lively illustration, afforded an unwilling speotator great amusement the othor evening, Lieui. William P. Conway U. S. Navy, one of the heroes of the Hun»n disaster off Cape Matteras in 1977, died last month at Owensboro, Ky. Orator Lueien Young of the l*. S. S. Boston, is also a Huron “hero.” He is still alive. It is re|»orte«l. that Rev. J. K. Iosepa was advise<l by somc of the “hn thren” to aocept the position of a Deputy Sheriff. for the reas*»n that there was more money “in it," than working for the LORD. TIiat soumis somewhat renmrkahle. We were under the impression that the “workers for the Lord” did extremely well in this Kingdom. Perhaps the Reverend gehtleman as the saying goes, was not in it.