Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 13, 2 October 1893 — Military Discipline. [ARTICLE]

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Military Discipline.

Tbe dress o{ tbe P G. gnard varies; there does not s»'<*ni to b« any sys<emstif arr.<ng<‘ment or onler io that direction. lt has been notioed several times that the gnards ;<t the gites to tbe Palaee gronnds were not alike. Ono d«ya gmrd at one of the gntes was arrayed in a aniform so<uethiug Iike this. a dirty undershirt. a §».. ir<>f dnngaree trowsers h<tcht-d np witb a pair of snspt ndets. a military eap on his head aml % pipe in his month. Last Friday u guar<l at the Richard str»- t g«te !ooked veiy mneh aa if ho w-.».s mdir the inAnenee of liquoi . or else had not gotten over tfae night before s ‘*toot” We do not thmk ibat he had a tooch of snn-atroke. a!tboogh tbe sun w.i» hoi on tbat day.