Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 13, 2 October 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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$nirral M. L()SE, otaiv I*ublic. Collector and General Bwnws$ Agent. Muto*l Telrpkoo« S. P. O. Box '«8 Uerrhant >tr*et. Honolniū. Th«o. P. !«noti>. A. W. Bounrut. ALOHA GALLERY> 513 Fo«t Snuucr, Homiie. (Up-«uin.) Portraits & Landscapes Piont CoUection oi Hmiuo Views. P. O. Box 4W Eiias Kauluiaau Wright fy DEXTIST/C5 Comer of Kicg a;ui iielhe! SU., Cj*taxrs, Ealnmee or, King Strect. OFFfrE Hoi*rs—From 9 a.m. to 12 m., 1 to 4 p.m. Sundays excepteJ. E8TABL1SHED A D. 1863. Pioneer Steam •- « Candy Factory! IB AK H H Y amd lee Cream Parlors F, HOBM, Propriktob. PRACTJCAL Wfctioiier & Onii«oter ln ali bmnchefl ot tbe bDKin«ee on thene ialaa<t<<. AMEHICAN. FRENCH, ENGLISH axd GERMAX PASTR1ES MADE TO ORDEK. Wedding and Birth-day CAKE8 Mi«tle of tbe very best material, unsnrpassted in richne«s of quality and ornainented in unjtpproachable style. at lower prices tban any other establishment in Honoluln. PamilU Fancy Bi t ead, Guava JeIIy. Preserred Tamariods aoil Tamarind Syrop. ALL C0NFECTI0NERY Manufactored at my EeUb* iisbmeat are Guaranteed h be PoairnxLt Pl'EE and soW at price» no other aatabU»hmeni ean compete vitb. FACTORY £ STORE, Xo. 71 H<tel Street. Between Nuuanu and Fort Streels BOTH TELEPHOSFS Xo. 74.