Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 13, 2 ʻOkakopa 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Hawaii+Holomua IH PUBH8HED EVERY AFTEKNOON EXrETT 8CKDAT BY THE Holomua Pablishing Co. At King 81 (Thom«a block), Honolalo. H I. 3UBSCSIPT!0!T. p«r Kcnth. 50 Cts. Tbe pep«r i* JeliTered by C«rners in the lo»n uu! «ibarb*. SintfW Copi«i f»r S aie »t tbe New» Pewien nnn al tte v>ffloe of pnl>Iicetion. /f BRAHA¥ FERHAHD£Z, ■ Manager EOMUNO NORRIE, - • Ediīor XOTICE. Ail llaeinee* (ommuiuoations *honId be kddresaed (o Ahimham Femendee. Hono(oiu, H. 1. CorrMponden7e and Comnmnic*tion* for pahiieali-m »bould be addreaeed to tbe Eri*tor Hawaii Hulomaa. N<> noūee wil! be paid lo any «uonym<>u» onmmnniealiom. ?usinfss (fards A. P PETERSON, ATTOBSEY AT LAW. Offlce 113 Kaahniuiuia Street. Hoaolnla Hawaiian Llauil». CHAKLES CREIGHTON, ATTl»RNEY AT LAW. Offlcc: 113 Kknhomana Stre«t, Uunoluln Hnwmian l»l*nds. CLARENO£ W. ASHFORD, ATTORNEY AND OOrNSELLOR AT LAW. Offloe: Old C«|xtol Baiidin£. (Honolulu Hale'. adj.<iuiiiK Toat Uffice, Honolnln. A ROSA. ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 15 KaHhuraanuSt., Houolulu, Hawaiian Islands. PAUL NEUMAN, ATTURSKY AT LAW. 314 Merchant Stroet. Hunolulu, Mutual Telef»houo 415. J. M. DAVIDSON. attorkbt at law. 306 Morcbaut St., Office (M«tual) Tel. 180. Rosulonce 67. S. K KA NE. ATTORXEY AT LAW. Oftiee: Corner King and Bethel atreets. u}>-stairs. JOHN LOTA KAULUKOU, ATTORNKV AT I AW. Offiee, coruer King A Bethel Sts. Wing Mow Chan, 1VF0BTEBS AVD Commission Merchants * — DEAL£Bb tS — China and Japan Tea. Provisions. Manila Cigars, OROCKRIES, SILKS. MATTLNG, Carapbor M’ood Trunks. Kattan Chaits, etc., etc. Kiug St-. Houolulu. P. O. Box No 180. Mntual Tel. No. 78.