Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 13, 2 ʻOkakopa 1893 — International Yacht Racing. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

International Yacht Racing.

COWE3 RE«ATTA. Mr. Koya! l’help# Carrt>!i*« cuttcr yncbl. .V f irnAor, hu h.<d her fir#t triai ol sper«i with Ihe new •‘cri»cks”t>f the British rac:ng fl»wt. It Wf-s in th« rep«U« of the R.>ya! Lomion Yacht Cluh in the Soient. Altbnugh not « winner m Ihi» race. the ,V«iraAoe ha? c»>me o«l > f it with great h«»ncr. There |>r>>bably uevcr was a yacht r»ce whieh excited ao mueh puhiie and miemalional interesL The watera of the Sol> nt were o>vered with crafta of every df«cription, end every jx»int of rantage on the anrrounding »hores waa tbrorged with intereBted §j»ectaU>r»», The i»erman Emper»r was there with his imperial 8t«im yachk the //nAenlollem. He sailed as a C<>rinthian deck hand in the !‘riuce of Wale’a Britannia , anu tailed on to the main sheet like a jol!y sai!or man. The Prince of Wale« wa« on hoani hie own racing yacht, th« Brilaunia. The Briti«h royal yacht«, Vietoria and Albrrt. 0»6om ami Albertn, weredecked with H*g8 from truck to stcm and 9tern. Th« United Stales crniser Chirago was nlao there. The bnats whieh sailed in the race were the Prtnee of Wales’s Brilatmia, Lord n»mraven’s Vaikyrie, Mr. Carn>M> AVraAoe, Mr. B. Donaidsorrs ('nUnna, and Mr. L. Jamie»on’s / rema. The c»>ur»e was from an imnginaryline offlhe clnb-house at West Cowes, Is’e of Wight. ea«tward to and r»»und the Warner lightship, lben w«stward to the bu<>y on the East Leap 8hoal, passing norlh of Norman Fort, to be sai!td twic« over. The «md was a light lopeail breeze from about north and by west. The ?e» wat stnoolh with a gmt!e ripple. Il was a one gtrn fiviug start. The gun was fired at ten o’eloek. The Vallyrie, withLord Dunravea on board. waa first over thk iine, f<>lk)wed by the ltema 7 Britannia, Salanita, Sarah»e and Oalluna. in * • the order named. It was a bro«d reach tothe Iightsbip; the A'a‘roAo< gair.ed sUs«d;ly opon the ie«ders, and before rounding the Le*p shosl buoy ?he w«s fir»t. At the end of the first round the SatnXoe !ed ihe fieet. The limee at pes«iog C»wes and finishing thefirst round were 3g i<»lIows; f mm. i. m. ». NaT«bo», - • • • 12 W }4 V*Jkrnr. - • - 12 48 42 Bht*nnia. ••••!! W 3« SaOUttta. ... 1$ U OklhiM. • - - •12 5« » Iniu, ... I in During tbe sr>-ond mon-i the wiod fre«hened and haal«d mnre to tbe we»tward, giring ihe yachts m<>re windward work. In this tbe Britannin and ihe V r alkyrit show«d better fotm thau tbe and at th« finish tbey were both ahead of the Americ*a yacht. The time at the fini«h were: Brita%nia. 3b. 4im. 16«-: ValJtyrie. 3h. 47a», 19*.; *VaraA>e, 3h. 47m. 42s. Tbus tbe Britannia beats th« Valkyrie lm. 3s~, and the Natahee Im 26s. Tfce Satamita eame ia fborth aod the

CaUuna Tb« ltrma dttj fin:«h. The \nrnh e't n»tjrjsr hnii n.-t bren ivpurt«d bv ihe K *jal Yjcht Squadron at th- tin.e f th. race, 5 ) that c->rrecte<I tia.es c>»nM n*»t b? given. It war thoujfht thst ?h** woa!d hav«* « h - gher r ti”jr thm i thv li'i’annia a- 1 thand wouid hav- give them I n»e i The i::lvrei.«* I dr.rv fr*th ■* r*c- •- the .Vjr<iĀ<x h)- . fi’rchi'’ee f r one or both of the Cape Mav -ind 1 Bre;it<>n Heel' cup«, sii.ce t eae j racea are t> be s-.iicd acr<'«-< thCbannel with mi*st pr bihij a good Ieading wind b>th wajg nnd since t!ie \arahof bs? pn>ve<l her guperioritj in reaehing, ehe stai ds a pood ehanee to win th-ee c>ms. Ae to the R.*jal Victoria Y cht Club go!d eup, 1 do n>>t ihink that the \arahoe'i chano*9 are ;.t all good; the couree will iuv'>ive a g od deal of wind*vard w» rk, in whieh the BritĪ9h bost» haveshown a dec>'ded suj.«rioritj In the race of the R..ja! Southampt<>n Yacht Club, «lneh tn»k plaee the following d >j over ne, rlv the same oour3e, the $avahoe waa vjct >rinus. The b>>at« that pa)Ied j in this race were A. D. Cl rk-’s Satnnita, B. D<>na!ds*>n’s Ciilluua, I. Janjieson’s Irernn, nnd R jal Phe!ps Carrnll’a \avahoe. The v»nd was light fr«>m 9oi>thweet «nd the WHtcr emooth. The }inrahve w.>n the race, finishirg len niu.nt»9 ahead of the Sntanita.' The Callun i aml Ivenm d*d n«»t fin ; sh The Britannia and the Va1iyrie were engaged at tbe s-tme time in tl»e tace f.»r the Qu» , eii's eup of the R<>jal Yi.cht Squ; dron. Th p ei'p is onlj open to members of the squ..dr«>n. Tiie >>t.rters were the 1 aU:yrie. tlie Britnnnia, tho Meteor (former'v tt»e Thi*tle}. o\vo»d hj the G>r;nan Kmper r; th>’ Viking j and the Mnhawk The Vnlkyrie W; 3 first hnme, l»;t ghe w.!S H:squal fied <;n account of having r<>und>d tl»e Hulloek buoj on the starboard hand in plaee <>f the p>rt. T.’;e eup w:.sgiveo P> ihe Metenr on tune allowaue», to thegreat del:ght of V (t. rn».n M jrety. 1 ne .\nvnhne'* succe«s was a s'ib-j-ct ..f ar>* t rej..icing t<> ajl the Au»er'eaji8 in Rngund. Manv uf the fnglish J<HifnaIs speak in war.u e ’Uiiuend-ti<>ii of tbe boat. (111. Amenean.)