Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 13, 2 October 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Jn$urancr MAEINE INSURANCE. The 1 *.vi»er*i«ned is auth<»rize<l to take Marine Risks -o>' Hulls, Cargoes, auel Coinmissions, at Curreut Hatos in the following Comjianies, viz: Allianee Assurance Fire $ Marine, - London Wilhelma of Madgehurg Gen’l. Ins. Co. h'an Insurance Co., - - San Francisco .1. S. WALKEK, Agent tor Ilawaiian Islands E. B. THOMAS, Telephoves Bell 351. M iitu.il 417. * Residexce : Mntiml 410. P.O. Box 117. Contractor $ Builder Kstimates Oivt‘n on A11 lvincls 0F IIHK'K, Ili0y, STII\E ,f n«E\ HIILIIIM.K All Kinds of Jobbing in thc Building Trade, Attendcd lo. KKKIN I X)H SALE; Rrick, I ime, Cemeut, lr«»n uip Pij>e aml Fittiugs, Ohl .V Now Corrr.g iled Irou. Miutou Tiies, Ti'es, H8sortecl s>.i\s nml c"lors; C lih'mi'» :snd Monterey Sand. (*ruuite Cnrbing »u<l Bl<d-ks. eto.. etc. OFFICE dl YARD ( Corner Kjng €i Smith Sts. : Officc Hours. 8to ta M., ( ito4P. M. u Holomua * Publishino- + Co., o PUBLISHERS 0F THE IIAWAII ♦ ♦ holomua; V .lonmnl issued I)nily, (Stuui»y excepteil) In the Euglisb lrtng»mgv. auH p)edged in poliev to s«pj>ort the Riohts »xi> Previlkoek i>f the Il\w\iuN People. the interests of the lHl*or;ng meu. sr.il grod hu<1 bouest Oorernment for the wh le oountr»'. »K)R PIiI.\TEK8 AU Book.s and Jon Pkixtino ne«l)v execnted at short nolioe and nt m«viemte tig<urcs. B1LL UKAJDS. CARDS, LLTTEK HEADS. POSTEBS, , eU-., Fin'she«l iu Fin»t-Claw style. I»Uad Onlem soiictted au«i pi\)mptlv attended to. 0rncB : B)ock, Ktng Slre«t, Honoiulu, U. 1.