Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 13, 2 ʻOkakopa 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Tmeo. P. 8everiv. a. W, Eour HAWAIIAN 6ALLEI NcCA3TO StkEET, HuMOLI'LI (Oppo. Qne«n Enou HkU). Vie\vs of the Jsla C<jiuUnlIy on H«nd, meh tu> Strpet Viewfi «nd Hawnihm Stvle I Bailding», Pnlm «nd Dite C War Vcssels, Sbipping «nd Manne Views. Abo, a I.aige Collection of all Piom and Interesting Views of the Hawai Ialands eitber nionnted or annioanted. Amatenr Work Solieited. P.O. Bo: SAL00 p. McINEBNY, Pkopkieiok, Fine Liquors, Wines and B Cor.se» Bkthkl and Hotkl St>. Criterion Saio< PFR AUSTRALIA, aoothcr Invoice of the eelehi JOHN WEILANO EXTRA PALE UG Auao, a Fresh 1xtoici 01 Nativ« Making Poi, Gras« H Halahnla Dancers, Cocoanat C FAT BOY.” 6 I fniifnrnia Dvcd