Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 12, 30 September 1893 Edition 02 — The Race for the International Gold Cap. [ARTICLE]
The Race for the International Gold Cap.
AOA» THK BBITAXXU. Rydk (Isle of Wight), Septembar 11. —Crowda of yachtamen and their admireri gathered here th» moming to wilneaa the last of tbe three racre between the Amen'ean yacht Navaboe and tbe Britannia for the lntern*tionaI go)d mk' Th4 yachta «ailed «e long Tic«oria oooree to Nab lighiehip and back to Cowet. A atrong eastarly waa blowing and the aea waa vary
rough, roUing in short, heaw ??as peculiar to tfae British ehannel. Tbe Britannia beat the Navahoc in a a»tiff breeze by fifteen minutes THE BBEXTOX’s REEF Cl'P. Ryde (Isle of Wigfat). Septem. ber 13.—The Prince of \VaIes’ yacbt Britaunia won the race for the Brenton’s Reef enp. defeating tbe American yacht Navahoe. owned by Royal Carroll Phetps of New York, by two seoonds. It was an astnnisbingly cl<>se nee, considering t.ie fact that the cour?« was 120 miles in length. The yachts started at 11:15 vesterday forenoon. They reached the Leeds shortly before 11 o'eloek last nigfat, the Britannia reaching the winning line one minule and four seconds ahead of her Ameriean competitor. Afler allowing time from the start it was decided the British yacht wou by two seconds only. On board the Navahoe it was at first be!ieved the latter yacht was ihe winner, and the winning flag was hoisted by her this morning. The race to the stakeboat at Cherbourg was very e'oee the Xavahoe having tbe best of the turn at 5:12 p.m., going around 30 seconds ahead of the Britannia. Corrall, theownerofthe Navahoe, has decided to enter a prote#t against the decision giving the rac« to the 6ritannia. There ii a question over recKoning the time allowanee. The course was never sailed in such fast time before. WON BY THE NAVAHOE. Cowes (lsleof Wight), September 14.—The Navahoe has been awarded the prize in the race for the Brenton Reef eup, whieh, aecording to tbe first ealenlaiiona, was tbought to be won by th* yacht Britannia by two seconds according to the time allowanee, The time of the Britannia anfl Navahoe waa the fustest over the course oi 120 milee ever made. FOR THE CAPE MAY CUP. Isle of Wight, Septemb«r 15.— The yacbts Navahoe and Britannia left this trorning to taka part in tbe race for the Cape Muy eup. The course i» from Needles to Cherb »urg and haek 120 miles. The race began at noon, in a very light wind, and it will probably tak« twenty*four hours to eomplele the race. The Cape May eup, like the Breton’s reef eup, whieh was won from the Britannia by tba Nava* hoe on Wednesday, wai won from the American yachts in the race* at New York in 1885 and carried to Eftgtand by a British yacbt, wbere they bave rem«ined ev«r ainee. The boats were timed as tbcy paaied the Needles ligbthouse ae followi: Britannia. 1K)2:37; Navahoe, 1K)5:15. The Rritanuia kept the lead, and thej began to drop belbw the ioothern honeon thcre appeared to be »lmtnr€ positioDB of tht Wts.
WO» BY THE BBITTAlfIA. Isl* o* Wioht, Sept. 16. — The 6rittania won the C«pe May cn P* p«*ing the wiosing line in 12:52. The Navahoe finisbed 36 iamnt«B. 10 aeconds later.