Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 12, 30 Kepakemapa 1893 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
(?anis BRUGE & A. J. CARTWRIGHT Busin<-*8 of a Fidnciary XaUire Tr-ns3Cted. FrofiD{)t attcntiou gireu to the managrment of Estates, Gu iriiianshi;)s, Trnsts. etc. f etc., etc. Ojhccs, ; Carlv'ri(]ht Building, Merchant Street, Honolnlu. F. H. REDWARD, COXTRACTOR and BITLDER, No. 506 Kiug Street, Honoluln, Hawaiian Islands. MACFARLANE & CO. Dcalers in Wines and Spirits Kaahumann Street, Honolulu. Bell Telepbono 381. p. O. Box 32 W. W. WRIGHT & SON, Carriays and Wagon Builden IX ALL ITS BR.AXCHES. 79 and 80 King Street, Honolulu, H. I. H. E. McINTYRE & BRO., Grooerv, Feed Store & Bakert, Corner of King and Fort Sts., Honolulu. J. PHILL1P8, PRAC1TCAL PLUMBER. GAS.FirTER COPPER-SMITH, 137'' Honse and Ship Job Work Promptly Executed. No. 71 King Street, Honolulu. &DNSilLVES & Importers A Dealers iu Groceries, Wines, Spfrlts, &c. Queeu St., Honolnlu. Jī3mpire Saloon, JAMES OLDS, Pkopkletok. Fine Wine& Liqnoi% Eee?, ALWAY9 ON HAXD, Comer Nuuanu aud HoU-1 Streete LEWIS J. LEVEY, Heal Esttite and General Auctioneer. Comer Fort aml Quecn Streets, Houo'nlu Personal nttenti”n given to Sales of Firn ture, R-*d Estate. Stock and General Merchandise, J!utoai I'elephone 238. Tekpbonc 3S1. Pojt Officc Boi 32. W.W. WRIGHTASON ■l’aiwe «IWap Biiitders L> u Ix All Its Branches. Horseshoeing A SPECIALTY. * 79 and 80 King St, Honololn.