Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 12, 30 September 1893 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Hawaii*Holomua IS PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SU\DAY EY THE Holomua Publisiung Co. At Kinp St. (Tbomas hloeki, Honolalo. H 1. SUBSCEIPTION, psr Honlh., 50 Cts. The paper is delivere<l by Carriers in the town and Hnburbs. Single Copies for Sale at thc News Dealers aud at tne OflBce of pnblication. ABRAHAM FERHAHDēZ, ■ Manager EOMUNO NORR!ē, - - Editor NOTICE. All Business Commurications should be addressed to Abraham Femaudez, Honoluln, H. I. Correspondence aud Commuuications for fnblication »hould be nddressed to the Editor [awaii Holomna. No notice will be paid to any anonymons commuuications. gtt$inf$$ (?ara$ " A. P. PETEKSOA*, ATTORNEY AT LAW. [oflSce: 1 ISt Kaahumann Street, Honolulu Hawaiian Islands. CHARLES CREIGHTON, ATTORXEY AT LAW. Offioe: 113 Kaahumaou Street, Ilonoluln Hawaiian lslauds. CLARENCE W. ASHFORD, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Offioe; 01d Capilol Bnilding. (Honolnlu Hale), adjoining I’ost Office, Honoluln. A. ROSA, ATTORNEY AT LAW, j No. 15 Kanhumanu St., Honolulu, Huwaiian Islamls. PAUL NEUMAN, ATTORNKY AT LAW. 314 Merchant Street. Honolulu, Mutual īolephone 415. J. M. DAYIDSON, ATTORNEV AT LAW, 300 Merchant St., Oiliee (MiUual) Tel. 180, Residence 67. S. K. KA-NE. attorney AT LAW. Ollioe: Corner Kiug and Bethel streets, up-stairs. JOHN LOTA KAULUKOU.fi. attornev at law, Offioe, corner King A* Bothel St-s, Wing Mow Chan, lMPORTEHS AND Commission Merchants DT.\LEKS in China and iapan Tea. Provisions, Maniia Cigars. GBOCERIES, 8ILK8. MATTI*tfL Camphor Wood Trunks, Rattan Chaiis, etc., etc. 304 Kiug St., Houolulu, P. O. Box No. Io0, Mutual Tel. No. 78.