Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 12, 30 September 1893 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Poreign Mail Service. Steamships will leave for and arr ve from 8an Francisc?>, on the foilo«ring daU*a, till tbe doee of 1893. Lkave Hoxoixxc Dce at Honolcxc foe Sa> Fra.vcisco. Fm. Sas Frascbco Oeeanie 8ep». 25 Al&meda Sept. 28 Miowem, for Van-Anstralia Oct.7 conTfT Oct. 2 < >ceanic Oct. 17 Am>tralia Oct. 14 Miowen, from VanMonowai Oct. 19 oonwer Oct. 23 Wammoo, for Van Maiinoaa Oct. 26 conver Nov. 1 Anstralia Xov. 4 Chin* Nov. 6 Monowai... ,Not. 23 Australi* Nov. 11 Wammoo, from VanAlamed* Nov. 16 oonver.... Nov. 23 Miowem, for V*n-Chma Nov! 27 conver Dec. 2 An»tralia Dec. 2 Ooeanie D e c. 4 Alame.In Dec, 22 Aistralia Dec. 9 Miowera, from VanManposa Dec. 14 conver Dec. 23 Wammoo, for Van-Ooeanic Dec.26 conver. Jan. 1 Atiatralia.... Dec. 30 City Peking... Jan. 2 Wammoo, from VapAnstralia J.m. 0 conver Jan. 23 Wanimoo, from Vanconver Sept 23 Aom thc Arrivals. Satnrday, Sept. 30. 8tmr Kir ;n, Clarke, from Maui and Hawau. Stmr Moholii, MeGregor, from Molokai Bk Panl Isenberg, from Liverpool. Foreign Vessels Kxpected. [This l.ist does not Inclnde Steamers] veasela. where from. due. Am bk Harve*ter 8 F (Hilo)..Ang 21 Am achr Robt Lewers. ,.SF Aug 25 Haw schr J G North 8 F Sept 23 Haw bk Andrew We>ch.S F Sept» Am achr Tranait SF Sept *8 Am achr Allen A Enraka Oct 1 U 8 Crniaer Charleaton.. Oct — Am bk Martha Davis. ...Boaton Dec 20 Oer bk Namiln* Liverpool. .Dec 30
Ves8els in Port. U 8 8 Adatus, Nelson. U88 Bosfon, Day. U 8 S Philadclplua, Parker. Br aeh Norma, Tokohamn. Am «;h Alioe Oooke, Penhallow, Pgt Sound Am bk Disoovery, Chrigtianaen, 8 F. Br bk Dsm, Peterson. Newcastle, N S W. Am bkt Irmcard,Schmidt, Lavsan Island. Am bkt W H Dimond, Nelaoi, 8 F. Am bkt 8 G \Vilder. MeNeilL 8 F. Am sh Topgallant, Jaok»on, P ,rt Townsend Am bk Detroii Darrah, Nanaimo. Am bk Planter, Dow, S F. Am bk Ceylon, Oalhoun, 8 F. Jap 8 S Aikokn Mam. Yokohama, Br sh Co of Merioneth S. N W Haw Bk Mauna Ala 8. F.
Band Concert. Weather permitting Prol Berger and his band will g concert at Emtua Sqnare •fternoon at 4:30 o’eloek. following pieces will be re ed: 1 l£arch—“A Day in Vienna” 2 Or«rtare—‘*Storr Citr”— 3 Wallz—“Tont Pana” Wal< 4 Selection—“Uaūoal Beri*w”....] 8 Mazarka—“Nana” Co 6 Oalop—‘‘ViTacity" Co Hawaii Ponoi. A Homanee, 8ince the Boston left the no more eieamiona to lake terhonse, no more standl the bridge at midnight. fellows! tbey could not be ferred to the Phiiadelphia. schoolmarme! they will h wait for new fellows and opportnnities. Oh! howroi was tbe lore-making on the ing watere, only distnrbed l eommon herd Rashing bv obliging ker to Raah away her Under brass botton. season is over, the engagem broken, and ao is Lady J« eome Philadelphia, Rosh i reacne, and heal the open w PaaaeDgers fmm Hawaii Maui, per 8te*mer Kinau •orning, are ae follows: Dr. Sbarp, Dr. Hilbey, } DJ.L T tf>