Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 12, 30 Kepakemapa 1893 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


The P. G. Band plays thi« afternoon at Enmia Sqaare. The annexationists did nol receive mneh enconragement bv yesterday’s mail. Judge Davidson and nieee returned hy the Kinau this morning after a visit to the Volcano. The grand clearance sale at M. S. Leyy’s store will be eontinued to-day. Smyrna rugs and table-covers are a speciality. By the Kinau we learn that Mr. T. W. Everett ia still 8eriously ill, although tbere hae been aome«light inaprovement in his condition. Mr. A. Hockings has been appointed Depnty Sherift’ of Makawao in tbeplaceof L, A. Andrews appointed on the Honolnln “force.” Jndge Davidson reports tfae Volcano very active and brilliant and the weatherpleasant although it was raining during the Iast few days of hia risit to the wtmder of the world. Prince David Kawananakoa is expected to retnrn to town to-mor-row after a protracted visit to Kanai. The Pnnee has been soffering from 111 healih for some time bnt has now fnlly recovered.

The first of a series of receptions to be b*M on board of ihe U. 8. F, 8. Philadelphia will take plaee this a£ternoon. Invitations have been issned by the Admiral, Captain and Officers to their friends on shore. There will be a promiscnons decapitation of useless “specials’ > to-day in the poliee department. Look ont now £or the wailing and gnashingof teeth among the faithfol and the amount of cnsswords to be wasted against the P. G.

The eonapienona absence of the Hawaiian Minister and the P. G. speciai commissioner from Washington dnring tije past lew moaths, has given rise to tha impression in thai city, that they have practically abandoned ihe' idea of annexatioa., One ot the fin#st and highest fiagstaffii ever imported here was landed froa the Aliee Cooke. The flagstaff whieh is 139 feet above groond and 16 £aa| .b«k>w ia tise property of Mr. W. O. Irwin and will be erected his palaiial reside*c« nt Walkiku Mr. T. ū. Stapeon wili take tha maaafament £romto-morrow of tb« £avorita EaaaK San 3onci at Wainiki. We an oonrinced that Mr. Simpeoa will prove himmlf a r«ry and ae^nuo* dating host aad thai tba hifh mp* Qtatk>Q of 8an Saoci will be fnrther