Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 11, 29 September 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
Tlio stoamer Alnraeda arrived earlv tlm iuorning fx - om San Franeisoo, aud leaves for the colonies at four o'cloc'\ this afternoon. The following passengers eame l>y her: Rev. H. Bingham. Mrs. Binglmm, F. S Blinn and w,fe, J. Cassidy, C. B. Colburn, Miss Ct>lbnrn, Miss J. Cooke, Mrs. A. F. Cooke aml 2 children, C. M. Couke, Miss Deyo, S. Ehr!ich G. O. Oewesto, Miss C. A. G«lman. R. Halstead and wife, Paul Hentsch»l, Otto Isenberg, M ss Patteu. N. Swahn, A. W. Vau Ttlkeuburg, Miss Weaver. C. B. Wood, and 24 in the steerage.
So the SUr was aske»l, by th« Bustou s ofiicers to “wnle the t'iing (tbe bal!l np. for heaven’s anko, in « way to do it justice.” Those who iniule that re«]nest knew wiiat thev were tilkii>g aboot, they had to save themselves>; from rid>c<ile sotne how Well; il needed a coat o! varnish. Mr. C. F. Revnolds savs, that • • • Chief Lindsay played a mean trick on him Wednesday night at the meeting of the Thistle Club by *‘showing him np ’ as a “non-Soott”—and m <de him play the Old Hundnd instead of Avld Lang S>/ne as the “Doioiogy.” The Cbief, better wait iill he visits the Sonsof St. George, and Reynolds will get even yet with the Scot.