Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 11, 29 September 1893 — IT IS A ROYALIST YARN [ARTICLE]
That the E*litor of the Adver tiser ean distingaish between br.'»ndv and so<U—when thev *re 0 • mixed. That the only Rodgers is no more faUl to mankind nith a eapUin’» nniform than With a doctor’s diploma. That a raok doctor and a doctor of rank are syuonymoas.
‘ Tbat tbe bornsides adoming s the cbeeks of tbe conim.imier iu ■ ehaiup aie liank moTeioents. Tbat tbe govenmient bas eall ed f.»r sealed propos*ls for the erect ; on of a Statne commemorAi ting “Coyne defying tbe street _ 9 7 cars. Tbat a yootU whose eomplei- ! ion is an equitable cnm{>roraise I between the tint of yellow j»>n- ! dice and the hue of a fall-fledged ! qu;»drooii w.»s re ent v asked ; whether ne lik»d A Wmdow m , Thrnms” »nd repl:ed tliut he diun't like Tbrums in a window. See. ; Tbat a fresh young lieutenant whose ligiire is mide uo of straigut iinea worc bis sword in sucb a m:iuuer as tu be mistaken for a suiyevors tnpo»l at tbe ba.ll. Tbat his hips were mt sufficiently promineut to bold his 8»vord belt and that a youug lady wasdetiiled tu fix bis suspeuders. Ti.at Johnsing is taking unf;»ir advanti«ge of tiie mauager s absence to ran tbo ‘Tiser-go as you please. That tbe Spread at the ball was a decolleted cre>ition. Tbat certain parties not qnoted in the Star said “It is swell. while otliers observed, ‘‘it is I h That the dishes were washed in tbe residence of Unele John s puneli. Tbat Unele Jolm’s punoh «nd UncleJolm’s panneh were fea tures ot the ev ning. That the phanloin majah w»is easily located by bis epaulettes and sword. Tlmt the doctor uses flaiseod i poultice for the vicious cuts of that uufamiliar sword