Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 11, 29 September 1893 — TOPICS OF THE DAY. [ARTICLE]
The Star says that if the 0 >vernment *‘cau’t get what it WHUts now, it ean wnit f *r it ' P ttionce is a virt e. It is a goo*l thing that tlte preseiit G >vernraent has s -me of it, for 't j will be a long—W:«it. The annexationist organ is j chauging its tone, it tloes not j know now whie'n is best for as, u ; Protectorate or Annex itiou. lt ! has been ciying annex tt on so longthateven itsolf is t r» tl <-f hearing toe word- lt net;il n<>t . botheritself abont tlie matt r. Nor . will it be con.sutted iu rt gml to i 6ual settleiue t. The Alamoil'* arrived this inorning aml br-ught very little news of interest t-> H iwaii. i’he report of Mr. 13i>>uut has not beeu maile puhlie yet, b.it it is w-*l understootl that >t coudenius .-11 j and every aelion of Mr. Stevens and his co-couspir itors >a Ha- i waii. The Ca if -ruia papers eontiin tho usual b>tch <f absurd lies from their H uoluiu corrcs- i pondents, araong wueii tue uost i notable isthatth - Q,ieeu-dow.iger 1 as eome out opeun ai f,>vor < f anncxation «utl t(i >t she shortly will eome <>ut m j>ubi.c p uit aud advise the H;>wa i.ns toseil their country aud vote iu fav«>r of annexatiou. The ChroaicU'* editonal comments <>n this matter seem to indic,«to thut thc idea of a plebiscite was n«>t « fake after all. Cl«us Spie. k- ls 1ms be«_*u | dined and wmed by the sug «r-magu.ites iu Wnsbiug on and met numernis s n tors. Senator Perkins s«re>us to have suggested that Haw iii be anuex j ed to Califoruia as a e >uuty. We j are incliued to believe th-»t this ‘reraarkable prop>»sitio« w.ia made I towards the en«l f the dinn<r. Neither the uew minister t•■> Ha- 1 ’wui nor tlie C«>Dsal-Geuera! ; arnved to day. Th y eau both be i expecled by tlie A istiali i iicxt j Sāturday. Hon. E C Macfarlaue t has left W sh ugtou, aml wili re ' turn hore b. the Au-trali». He was fortun .te eu->ugu to miss b s , train whieh raet with an accidout. | he taking tae tr«m leaviug an bour later. A ne»\ yarn b.>s beeu st«rted iii 8ooio |>apers t Mr. > lilouui advoc.ites unnexatton "f r 10 ye irs. The pUasibility of | such propns;t ou wili, of cm;rse, • b es|x»uuded bv the Star and ! Advertiser. The tr.'uble m Braz:l continues i and by t iis tiiue Kio Janeiro is probab!y laid in hshes. The revolntiou is Kiiup 1 }* a war betwoen oonto8tiug factious of tbc ropubltcan party, >md thure is n > i nperiabstic move at the bottom of it. An Ameneau cttizeu, Pen vpackor by name, was prote<4od by C«ptain Whiting of the AUianee. frora «n intended nrrest by the naihorties «f San Salvador. Tbe man b*»veled with a passp.>rt’ from Seorefauy Gresh<*oi, but tbe reason why Capt.»in
Wh l ng interfered. w<s that t>.e rr st was >ttempted b) be niade oi b-«ard i Picific mail steamer 8iili g under the Ameiieun fiagTue capt. held that Peunyp«cker w-ts beyo«id the j irisdtcton of S«n S i,v «dor ms s >on as ue was ou bo - r i an Amt*rictn vessel and the ,»d u«uistr.«tiou iu W ishiugtou lias h-s «ei.un.
Tlte A lvertiser takes occasion t is m«>ruiug to muke one of its nsmtl nnw irrante«l itt icks on Mr. P«ins the uianager of the Htwaiian Trarawtys Co«op»ny, and it pr ut-s a highly olored rej>ort of an ati'air alleged to have happened he'ween a sq«.i>td of the “;unny” und a driver of a tr >m e «r. A verv different iuterpretati««n of t e incident has been giveii t<> us, b<>th bv the dnver ,tu<l bv passeug rs who were, at the time, in the tranr»car. According to t'iem the soldiers obstructed the tr ek, alth >ngh they knew that tlie car was cnrning, and although the driver con'inned to riug the bell. . The soldiers have no bnsiuefis on the tr:ick in the first plaee, nd tbe pulling ont of pistols aud thr -ats to shoot se«ms to us to especiully constitute the ontrage iu the «natter aml should lead to an iramedi te investigition. Tl:ere is ainple < f r«>ora on eaeh side of the track f«>r the sol<li«;rs aml their <>fficHis should be made to audorst >n l that they are not ruunmg this town even if thev ar> run mg t ie g >verument and such ontr igeo is couduct as that in whieh a certain officer ind«’ged yesterday will not be tolerated. He sl.onld imraedi:ite1\’ be arrested for assault with a deadly weapon.
TIjo Eilitor of the Advertiser. seems to be worrving over the abilitv. or «)on-abilitv of “rovalists- ’ to p;«y btxes or bills generally. Does the editor remember ?m iusbince soine years ago wliere a ( now)staunch annex at.onist went into ,bankruptcy aml ab his assets when returned by the ofticer of the court eon sisted of sou?e aehool book.s for whieh the baukropt claimed ex oraption aa they were “impie raents .ml tools belougiug to his trade.” We have forgntten the n une of the b.»nkrapt inquestion —perh»psthe Advertiser editor eau refrosh oar meiuory? Under the hcadiug Tkv a M.asda.mi.ts the Star of h»st uight reaches its chraax in nbsurditv. It says, that because cert*i n stearashi|»’s linjs h«ve raistd their freight aud p »ssenger rat«s. there shou.d be issued a wrlt of maud uuus voiuj elling, the govoruiueut to discontiuue the s bsidy tbe Oeeauie Liue—a sobsidy granted uuder cert tiu conditions of whieh nuue have s- far been showu to have been broken Of all the folly exhibited by Mr. Smdh duriug his joorndistic e treer thīs last takes the eake — b t bv all ine.»ns let the club try the reraedy—ull to the eternal benefit of the lawyers.