Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 11, 29 September 1893 — What Would Disraeli Have Done? [ARTICLE]

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What Would Disraeli Have Done?

Lord Rnseberv, says a home paper of Jnne 28, was the snle occopant of the Peers’ Gallery in tbe House of Commons ou the 2oth inst. when Sir E. Grev was replying to Mr. Curzon on the Siaoiese question. In the lobby the conversation was chiefly on the same subject. Wbat Disraeli would have done was a theme mueh discussed. One reply was suggestive; ‘ Disraeli woutd have said to France, ‘Well, take your Meikong boundary: and, to show that there is absolutely no illfeeling iu the matter, we will keep you in future to tbat bonndary by declaring a British protectorate over the remainder of Siam.’ Checkmate.”