Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 11, 29 September 1893 — THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STORT. [ARTICLE]
Car Drivcr WeUh T*lks—Corroboraled by Eye-wil»es%ct. The Advertiser prints a very garb!ed rep<>rt uf ihe fracaa whioh l<>ik p!»ce y>8terdiiy between Mr. \V’elsh. driving tram-c»r No. 20, and a squad «>f go!diers attending the funeral of a deceased corporal. Mr. Wei>h was interviewed by » Holomia representutive and said thnt nearly every word printed in the Advertis»-r ia reg»rd to the nffiir was untrue and maliciously faise. He claims that when he wte ioore than ooe hundred yards away from the s>>ldiers, started ringing his bell. Taat he shouted tnd • e 1 1led t<> theai to move away when he got close to thenc. That he waiked histeam fora longdistance, giving the soldiers all the show pussible to get out of his \v«y. That ail his w.»rning3 were uunoticed, nnd that the men turned around and grinned at him, and that when he final!y tried to make a pnssage f <r h s car, the ruen were ord>red to turn around and stopped his tenm with fixed bayonets, while one soldier fitarted loading his rifle and one officer drew his revolver and held it menacingly towards the driver. There is, as anybody is aware, ample room f<>r all the mili tary forces of the c<-untry on eaeli side of the track, and the soldiers had ample time to clear away from the track. The preconcorted ae‘ion on the pirt of the so!diers simply {>roves that it was the in tentiou of ihe men comma:;ding the squad to obstruct the tramways and precipitate n n>w. The stateineiiW «>f the driver are fully corr"borated by Mr. G. D. Freeth, wh<> w«g a pissenger on the car anel by Mr. W. M. |Cunningb;»m who w.ts an eye witness to the whole atfair. The drivers of the Tramcars are well known and recoguized here thro>>gb tbeir polite and obbging raanners, but they do not propose to be insulted threatened and sat on by anybody even if it is the P. G. array. lf fnther threats like the ones implied in tbe Advertiser report th:s morniug, eome to the ears of the drivers they will one and all drive heeled and prepared to stand up for the rights of tbe companv, whieh they sorve and f>r their own rights as citizens of Hawaii.