Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 10, 28 September 1893 — Mode of Collecting Taxes. [ARTICLE]
Mode of Collecting Taxes.
Coiupl«iints are heard of th« m«nuer in whieh the tax Ci>llector is mcr**asing the iwenue fr*>ni th »t sonrce Tt has been reportetl to us. that visits are mailo to the bons«-s of n .tives Portugnese aml Ch:nese. aml tlie imnates I questioued reganling the nnmber of pigs. ponltry. aml tho amonnt of money they have in their possessiou. Ti»e foll* wrii'g inst.mces have been mentioned: Two old natives, :» inan and a woman, living in M-inoa, who own taro patches and who have l>een exempted from taxes nnder tbe $300.00 claus‘ i . wiil bo compelled to pay tases. Chinese hnve had to pnv two and a half dollars a dozen on their poultry. Mattrasses have becn taxe 1 fifty cents. two or tiiree sauct]>ans twenty five cents, five or six plates twenty five cents. At the house of a Portuguese tlie other day. in reply to the question regarding the amcunt of money on haml, the cnileetor was asked “if he wanted any.”