Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 10, 28 Kepakemapa 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
6rnrral i\drrrtisruirnts M. L()SE. N'otary l^uhlie*. Collecior oml Grnera! Husint.<s Agent. Mutaa2 lekphuue S. P. O. lt<u l!«vhint stre«, H >u>>lnln. Thto. P. Sv:vkkin. V. W. Boo»txk. i ALOHA GALLERY 1 •*I3 Fokt Street Hovoi.ru-(['i>-st«iri | Portraits& Landscapes F n j st ColIccli.ui of H.-iwaiian Vk-w>, P. O. Bo\ •!;){>. “;fat boy.' BAYHORSEfc? 8AL00N ! P. M«IX1.KXV, pKOKKiemK, Fine Liquors. Wines and Beer. Cor\kr BtrriiFX .o»r> nrrr».L Srs. . Elias Kaululaau Wri&ht rr DEXTIST.^ Corner of Kin<> anfl Bethil St>., F|jMt.--ir>. Etitranre on Kiui» Stre«-!. Ofkice Hori!S— From 9 a.in. 1*2 m., 1to 4 p.m. »-S~ Suml.i\ s excepte»l. ESTABLISHEI> A. D. l*t 1 Pioneer Steam Candy Factory! IB A. Iv K R Y ami» lee Cream Parlors F. HORN, Proprietob. PRACTICAL fnnfe(*tioDfr 4 Omanienter In all branuhes of tho ba.siuesK on the>e i>land>. AMERICAN, FRENCH, ENGLISH axd GERMAN PASTRIES MADE TO ORDER. Wedding and Birth-day CAKE8 Mmle of tbe ver\’ Wst material, unsurpassed in riehness of qua 1 i ty and oroamented in nnapproacbable style. at lower prices tban any otber estabii.shcuent in Honolulu. Family Fancy %mi Guava JelU-, Preserved Tainarinds and Tamarind Syrup ALL CQNFECTIONERY Mannfactured at my £stablishment are Guaranteed t"» be PosmvELl Pcre and sold at prices no other establisbment ean compete wvth. FACTORY & $TORE, No. 71 HOTEL Between NuuanuandFort Streets BOTH TELEPHOXES Xo. 7-L 1