Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 10, 28 Kepakemapa 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
CHAS. GIRDLER, : Importer and Commi>sion Meix‘hant. srEciALxns; L i P. Co»ts' Maehine Threa<! Bro. ks’ M.n'hine Thrtail > Liiuo ThreaJ I So*p P. O. Boi Mntnil īelepkooe S36 1.1 KA&hom&no Street. iOHEAP FUEL I I 1 IT:resl i A lgeroba Firewood $9.00 per Cord Oeiivered. J.NO. F. COLBURN & CO. se2.> Im W. S. LUCE Wioe aūd Spirit Merchant Camj}b€U Fire~proof Uloek, MERCHANT ST. HONOLULU LEWI8 & Co., Wholesaie and Retail Grocers AND PROVISION DEALERS. FRESH CALIFORNIA 8ALM0N ONICE By Every San Francisco Ste;uuer. Salt Salmon in Barrels a Specialty. iii Fort St., Honolulu. Tel. 240, P. O. Box 297. NAĪIONALIR0N W0RKS, Qcef.n Street, Between Alakea k. Richard Sts. THE UNDERSIGNED are preparetl to make pll kinds of Iron Brass. Bronze, Zinc, Tin and Lead Castings. Also a General Repair Shop for Steam Engines, Rice Mills Corn Milla, Water Wheela, Wind Mills, eto. Maehinea for the Cleaning of Coffec, Castor Oila, Beans, Ramie, Sisal, Pineapple Leaves & other Fibrona Plants, And Paper Stock. Also Machines for Extracting Starch from the Manioo, Arrow Root, etc. LU AU Orders promptly attended to. WHITE, RITMAN <51 CO. Long Branch BATHING Establishment. i I I This First-class Bathing Resort has been enlarged and is now open to the pubiic. It is the best plaee on the islands to enjoy a bath and there is no better plaee to lay otf. Special aeeommodations for Ladies. Tramcars pass the door every half hourand on Saturdays and Sundays ever>’ fifteen minotes. JAMES SHERWOOD, Proprietor. Thso. P. S*VEK1V. A. W. EOL3Tra. HAWAIIAN GALLERY, 467 NrrAKC SxBKrr, Ho.xoLn.c, i.Oppo. Qn«en Emnna H&li). Yiews of the Island ConsUatly on Hmnd. snch as N»tives Making Poi, Grass Honses Hnlahnl» Dancers, CocoKnnt Grores Street Views and Hawaiian Strie Riding Bnildings, Palm aad Date Groves W»r Vrs»ek, Shipping and M&iine Views. Abo, k LKtge CoQectk>n of all Piomineni and Iateieetiag Views of tbe Hawaiwn Islands either monated or nnmonnted. Amateur Work Soliāted. P.O. Box 498.