Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 10, 28 September 1893 — Items of Interest. [ARTICLE]
Items of Interest.
It is the general opinion of men engaged in wrecking organ izitious that the British war-stiip Vidoria cannot be raised. She lies in four buudred and twenty feet of water, and no diver has ever been fnund who ean live in more than one hundred and tiftv feet of water. The ouly diver who ever succeeded in duing any wnrk at that depth lost his life before theattempt wascompleted. The gov<-rnment of Xew Suuth Wales has made a shirp cut in ajl official salaries and adopted other raeasares of ecooomy that will reduce the expenses of the government fully $7,500,000 as compared with last year. There is nothing bashful about the State Agricultural Society of Georgia. All oi its delegates journeyed recently to the plaee of convention at Stone Mountain ou free passes extended by the railroads of the State. Th> re were six hundreddelegates, and it is not snrprising to learn that one of the first resolutions passed by the convention was in expression of its satisfaction with Georgia railroads. Anent tbe fund for the Duke of Veragua it is related that some one commenting on the matter to Corrigan, thegreat Archbishop of New York, remarked that the gift of some half million dollars to the Duke, eveu tbongb raised by popular subscription might be deeme<l by him an affr >nt. “Possibly, returned the Archbishop gravely; but affronts are pocketed every day.” They say now. in London, that the Princess of Wales, for the first time in her life, is showing berself to be jealons of her husband’s atteutions to other women. His devotion to Lady Brooke, is said to be particnlarly bateful to her, though it is well known in court ci-cles—and perbaps only there—that the Frince’s relations with Lady Brooke had been invited against her wish and request.