Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 10, 28 Kepakemapa 1893 — 64 Against 36 for Annexation. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

64 Against 36 for Annexation.

• Havmg be*n informed from an autbentic source. that a few months ago, tbe Princip«l of Punahoo Coilege was requested by the annexationists to eompel the stndents of the above schooI to sign the annexation roII The Principal had doubts about tbe movement. as he thongbt the greater poiiion of his scholars were against aunexation, and he conclnded to settle the matter by

ho d;ng aa eiection, and a!so j>roc!aimed the reqnest «hieh he had receired £rom the annexation<sts. S>> ba!lnts were y.repared >nd f»rnished the inmates —those with the words Yes’’ signified anneiation; others witu the words “Xo” against it. When tbe re«alt was decl.red. it stood as foIl<»ws: 64 against aunex«tion and 36 for it.—(Tr>nslation frora Ka Lto o ka Lahui.)