Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 9, 27 September 1893 — The Omnium Gatfaerum Ball. (MADE IN HAWAII.) [ARTICLE]
The Omnium Gatfaerum Ball. (MADE IN HAWAII.)
Oh, the ball **t the Palaee! X.> K)T;U'at maliee Cao i-»,r»ct fr.»ui t»je gr,»nd eelehmlion;9 tr tl,e hnl'iiiee occasion Aa>sres the whole uauou Til»t ihe v,>;. r . ead >r>e auuei »tion. TTie org ns' lond l>lowiag OoIleeleU u sii<iwin>; A aiuilitade lnghiy elite, Mhose bigh H.spirutious 1Vere c-eu;ere>l ou “mt>ons' T And the pros t >ect of so«uetbing to e«t. Th» polilieal med Her, And le.irue l pili i—<l,ller Diagu >s* 1 the fit.tr gue.sts to th--ir room; While nmbling u.teud.<ut His epuulett«s peudeut S->.-ve<l locheer hia fuaera>tl g!oom. The Portnguese (nieiiou Ol Yauk T -e eilrtction Waa we: J represente1 by Joe CuoiHra. the dnu,ly. Whoae Hctions so han,!y Were the ncbest effect» of the «how. The “le'ephone tendar’’ Was nble to render A fiervice com»Hnding respect, In reachiug tbe tuiiet. But then he wonld spoil it By oiter.ug the word, “discoanect.’’ Lithe Louie Kenake The post-office h<ckey Eesp'eudent iu loggery neat F.i»kily sported C»reere<l nnd cavorted G*nsiug h«Too mo»t dire with his feet. 1 Ontside, erery eannon H»d eaeh a bntTe man on To koep the darned thiug in the yard;There were emphalie opiuiona Regi-jrding ihe miuions Th.it tbe inneheon wost needed a gr,ard. For dire drvasti»tion Ai<<) sad desolation G.-eeted th,<se who b*d eome to be fed; T'aei.- l»ug : ugs and w»shes For snccnleat dtshes Where «II tluit tuey got of the spread. Th» Jonos and Cbnstines “Piekauiua’’ and wahinea Had »tnneie leTery Ti«nd in sight The gr-tnd pre- aration, Tue briUi>tnt eo(inti><n W«re Tanishing draam» of tbe urght. Tis aaid Jampsome ablo Slid ander the tab!e In * eontest with Unele John s paneh, la blishfnl contentmeut Devoid of re«entment At h.i ving beea enchred of lunek. Ti» worthy of mention This m<*tley convetitk»n Wera in need of interprater* «ore; Th *ngh they veute l their passions la &tting eipreesions No one knew īf they (>ntyed or they cwor«. F<>r ehoiee racreation Of mixed annexation Cards »ra i»«ued to person< who uk it; 6nt it can't be dispnted In a crow 1 <k> dilnted One «hoahi Uke a!ong grnb in • basket.
It is mmor©d th.»t the Rev. J. K. Josepa. wh<» w s the me<nb»*r in the lnst Legislatnre from tbe d str:ct of Hm«, M ini. is to be appo nted Depaty Sheriff in tbat district. He l*tely has been tbe editor of t e daily Kuokoa, bnt ! now lays down hs j»en to t«ke up a p»»liceman’s haton. It will be reme'nber"d t : mt this reverend was fired frora the Charch by his c»ngregation for poliiieal reasons.
Tk« eMiwlewe «f F*0Uea. Mr MrF&f —•** By jore. I're bnrst my snspeoders.” Mrt. HcFal —*• Take mine. I