Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 9, 27 Kepakemapa 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

11. L()SE. Xotary I-*ublic. (’‘>lh< -or nud 1iv.fiucs* Agent, Mntn T» I< iihoiie S. P. O. Imjx 18. V?vrchnnt strtet, Uonolalo. Xiir >, Stn KRiN. A. W. Boi.-tkk. ALOHA GfiLLERY .">!3 Foht Stkkkt. Ho.noli'LP. (Uj>-.>iAirs. i Portraits& Landscapes Finest CoPection of FTa« :ūia!i V :cws. • P. O. Box 49S. ‘“FAT BOY.” 8AL00N I P. MrIVFRNY. PnonunoK, Fine Liquors. Wines and Beer. Cornek Hmno. ant» Hotkl Sts. Elias Kau!ulaau Wright DEXTTST.^t Com:r of King and Beth. 1 Sts., Fjwtair8, Entran«« on Kiug Street. Office Hocrs—Frotn 9 a.m. to 12 ni., 1 to 4 p.m. Sundays excepted. ESTABL1SHED A. D. 18t53 Pioneer Steam Candy Factory! IB A K K R Y amd Ice Cream Parlors F. HOKN, Puopribtor. PRACTICAL Conll'ftiorier I Ornnnieūter lu all branclie» of the hnaineee on these i-.lands. AMEKIOAN. FRENCH. ENGLI8H axd GEKMAN PASTKIES MADE TO OFDER.

Wedding and Birth-day CAK.ES Mailo of tbe verj- l>est material. nnsnrp«ssed in richues8 of ty and oriiamented in onapproachi«ble style. at lower priee-> than any »»ther establisltment in Honolnln. Family (Jraharq \ Fancj Braad, Guava Jelly, Preserved Tamarinds and Tamarind Syrnp. ALL C0NFECTI0NERV M;»nufactnred at my Establishmest are Gnaranteed t"» be Positively PniE aud sold at prices no other establisbment ean compete wiUi. FACTORY & STORE, ' No. 71 Hotel 8ruErr Between XanannandFort Streets ; BOTH nXEPHOXES Kc. 74