Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 9, 27 Kepakemapa 1893 — Encouraging For The Annexation Club. [ARTICLE]
Encouraging For The Annexation Club.
The lale vener»b!e I>r. MaCi*o- » “ ! »an. >se ommih is ue.‘l km<wa I in Ja|«;ia, retvnllv ma Se i oisi cor»«rv whieh in point of startling īnn-rest is worth « rions att«Mition j at the han<]s < f thc soieiit’fiiJ world. lt is n«*; m thirty v* .<rs | K'nee the indef.*itignblu doctor re?e-ilt'<l to us the mvsteries of rn it.ou wine ni.iuufactnre Hmong t!ie Mongols. He now i iforna-i ns oT n m<*st .touishiug nee of ; Manchnri:<n monkevs, who havo made incro<lible progress in thd arts of wine brewing and polfery. It does iiot >*ppe.<r that Dr. Mnepowan either saw tbe monkeys or t s**-d the Ii<jaor; but in the course of a recent jonrnev ta Yang-ping, in the neīghbourhond of tbe Great Wall, he seema to iave eom • across a late add<lloa of t;e olneial I»istorv »>f Yuii< t - P ping. whi 'h states that a sh<'rt time ago a iarge bodv of iramig.:»ti:;g moukevs passe.l ;r tain viil:»ge iu cto8'«ng fro:n moont in to nno her. The l>ovs of the village clapped their hands and shouted at tho s,>ectac!e. an«ii the monkeys, be ng frigbtened, fic:l, t«!.ing tlieir yonng in tbeir arms. but <iroppiug m their Highl a number of earthen ve.-seis. suma of whieh hold a qnart. O». opening tlie.se, tl e vill«ger> f<>uruJ they contaiued two kin<)sof wine, a }«mk and a g*een. th«t ha l' bee>.i iuade from mouniaio !>er. «es. It is said that tbe -raoi>(te\s sk e this liqucr for in the winter when the water is all forzen. I)r. Macgowan adds tb «tthe ehmuio1 srcites ananthor whoaffirmsthai in Szecbnan there are monk*-\ j who manufacture wine, and he gives tbe following anecdote in* evideuce. A party of village» who desired to try the qaality of the monkeea’ wine, plaeei' unobserved a great feasl near thd moukeys’ «;aves, aud tben J;id theiuselvos. On discuveriug th® fo«>d tho monkeys went to their e ives nd bronght out tbeirliqu«»r, wit!iout whieh the feast could» not be enjoyed. At that mom**nt iue vdlagcr.s rushed o t of th> ir hi !iog-place. and the monk~ys forthwith »campered oH’. Ieav:ng the wine, with whieh their uuu <n relntions roade themselves m* i. v. Dr. M«cg wan adds tbat h*> «.;,** uiet in Lis (.’hineae readmg m a 'eou d of mo key s in CL« tiang who pound fru.t in stoue mort jrs to m«ke iut<> wine. and he i-ks: — ‘ Is it iikely that all t! -.e statements are pore inv<*nti<>us<' Thus f.»r the lieolaiu Corresp<>udent of the .V. ('. IhtUy « *,> whom we are indebted for t? -s« partu*ulars. It has long ! r>n kuowu that monkeys are fom' yf wine, and get tipsy when t’,ay bave ihe ehanee; still.it w jld faave been more satisfacton* if Dr. Mecgowan bad bad ocular demonst-ation of these reuiark able statements. MeanwhiK .• « notice tbat Mr. Carner is >n»k:ug wonderfol progress In teacb:ag African raonk vs to talk. '*o has refnmed io the coast. - v>* oar contcmponv, the proud p.«r
ses8or uf u eh.iui>anzt*e that eaa say Tnnakot pakeia . whieh is the Muon for ‘ Go» d diy. stranger;'’ ••{ u gorilla whieh knows twenty words of Fijian: and of a feruale oarang-ontaog tfaat bas not oniy l>icked up Donner und blit:en from the Professor’a German val. t, “but quite falleu in love with him/' The sceptical will scarcely accej.t these |5erforraances. whieh ean be be«len by m<ny an accorajilish‘ d pirrot. as coiiclusive evidcnce «f the existence of a Situian tongue. or at least of the Professor s j>enetration of its myst.ies. But Profess«>rs G >rneris also Sii d to have written down nenrly lmndred numkey words, and hegivestlie.se s}H*cimens, sj>elling jihonetically: —Achr n, raeaning snn, fire, warmth, etc.; hilu-Aa, raeaii'ng w.‘tter, rain, eohl. and appareut , y, anythii:g dis igreeable; ge*hka, uicaning food, the act of eating.