Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 9, 27 Kepakemapa 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
WING WO & C0.,i M;inuf*ctur *rs «ml Deilci-s iu Lmlies', Gents’ Chililren s Boot0, N->. 3*>, Honoluln, Nuu inn Strcet* V-P. O. Bux 19v« Boots and Shoes m«de to onlei in Best S*\ *e. ? *t W holesa!e and Rctail Prices. WING WO TA! & Co., So. 214 Nauina COMM1SSION MEUCHANTS, Iuip«-rt. rs aud IVa!t-rs iu GK.V L AlEKl'H A XDJS£. Fiue Manil i Chiui*>.e «nd Japanese Crock’ryware.M attiiigs V«ses of all kinds. Camphonrood |Trnnks. Kattm Chairs, a Fine I Assortment of Dress Siiks, Best , Brands of Cliiuese and Jap.mes„ t Teas of Latest lm|>ort«tions. ! Ins|iectioQ of Xew Goods Kei s|»eotfuliv Solicited. | Motual T«*L 266. P. O. Bo\ 158. NOTICE { T3 HEREBY GIVEN THAT : A Him LoY and Chin Keau have th s d v SOLD ALL THEIR KIGHTS in a Cert-.in Le;ise of Pr«iniscs situ..ted in Kalia, TN*ai|kiki. to PANG AH MAN. Uonolula, Sept, 13, 1893. Iw