Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 9, 27 Kepakemapa 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Jln$uratuf 2lotifc:5. MAKINE INSURANCE. Thk Uxdersiuxei> is authoriz<ti to take Marine Risks on HulLs, Cargoes, Fre i 1 1 1 s ai id Coiui i iissions, at Current Rates in the folIowing Companles, viz: Allianee . lssurance Fire <f Marine, - Lonāon Wilhelnia of M idgeburg Gen’l. Ins. Co. Sun Insurance Co., - - San Francisco .1. S. WAl.KEH, A#cnt lbr llawaiian īslands E. B. THOMAS, 'lELEPHONE} : Bell 351. Mulnal 417. Residence : Mntnal 410. P.O. B x 117. Contractor Bmlder Kstimates Oiven on All lvinds OF niN, stoe t «o m nniiiw 1 All Kinds of Jobbing in the Building Trade, Attendcd to. KEEH8 FOR SALE: Brick, l.ime, Ceinent, Iron Stone Pij>e «ml Fiitin*gs. OId & New Comigited Iron. Minion Tiles, Qnarn r Ti!es, assorted sizes and co’ors; C !if<>rnia and Monterey Sand, Granite C irbing aml BI 'cks, etc., etc. C Corner King <ft Smith Sts. OFFICE <fl YARD: Office Hours, 8to 12 M., ( 1to4P, M.
Anchor Salcon, SOL’THEAST Corner of King & Numnu Stf. TF1E Finest Brands 0F —— Wines & Liquors <5 <5 HOT LUNCH DfllLY From I/:JOu m. to 1:30 p. m. W M. OUKNiNOHAM. Maxager. CHOCK L'K)K, MERCHAXT TAILOR, \ ' .t.’I SnmiM) A ī. I SVl TS HUA R A STEED TO ' VADSin BEST srVLK. CIO ES AKI» r.El*AU{EI).