Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 9, 27 Kepakemapa 1893 — For Raising Melons. [ARTICLE]
For Raising Melons.
A nove’ scherae for raising good melon crops is tlms described by an exj>erienced Connecticut gurdener: “D g tlie ground np mellow and deep and muke it |>retty ricu. Then make hills fght or ten foet apart eaeh way, very sliglitly raised and about three feet ia d ameter. Now y«»u need as many emj>ty barrels, (witbnut a bead iu either end) as you bave hdls. Stand a barrel in tlie center of eaeh hill, aiul press it down into tbe so I so that it will uot blow over. Ne«rly fill eaeh barrel with fertilizer from tbe stable. o!d leaves, etc., and j>our a pail or so of water on eueh. Now aiouiul the outside of the barrels piant tlie seeds, | and \vben the j>)ants eom- up thin them out so tliat they are uboutsix inches ap.irt. Throngho t t!ie suiumer. insteadof wut.*ring the plauts directly, simplv pour water by the pailful intothe barrels of c*.nipost, and it wi)j , filter throngh slowly, carrving nio sture and nutrimeut to the very roots of the vines around the edge of the ban-el ” Moisture und abund int fertiliz ition are the two e!monts raost needed in the pro<luction of elioiee me)ons. This method supp!ies these elments in good shape, anl there to ba no doubt os to the resnlt.