Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 9, 27 Kepakemapa 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
* ' —“D.d yoo evt-r go to i se:enade your giri?" Wcy<pe — No; her fi«ther‘s dog doesn t appreciste. Hewuntstodo «11 tbe bowhnghimself.’’— Juihft. DR. MeLENNAN, 131 Fort Street. Officr H’rrs; 9 A.M. to !2 M.; 3t» 5 P.M Tel. G' _ '•!LTTAL-Rosideuce Tel, ->7 CHAS. HOLTt.NO. —t *T TO\SOKIAL AKTIST. -^£3— No. 511 King Street. Honoiulo, H. I. Give me a tri «l. L. H. DEE, Jobber of m 8pirits aml Beer^ Criterion Saioon HOTEL ST., Between Fort and 6ethel Stree(sc PFB AUSTRALIA, another Invoice of the celebrnted JOHN WETLAND EXTR» PJLE UGER BEER. Also, a Fresh l.WOIOE 0F California Oysters LEWIS & Co., Who!esale and Retal! 6rocers AND PROVISION DEALERS. FRESH CAL1F0RNIA SALMON ONICB By Ev«*ry S «n Kranc;nci> Steamcr. ; Salt Salmon in Barrf.ls a Spectalty. iii Fort St., Hono uu. Tel. P. O. Box -Pon0»STER C0C«TIILS|:UST arrived, ¥*> w? W m N N L. H. DEE, Proprietor. W. S. LUCE 9 9 Wine aūd Spirit Merchant Oamphell Fire-proof Block, MERCHANT st. honolulu Theo. P. Sevfjuv. A. W. Eolstk. HAWAIIAN GALLERY, 467 Ncp.\sr StKKKT. HoNOLPLe, (Opx>3. Qaeea Emma Hall). Vie\vs of the Island Constantly on Haud, snch as Natives Making Poi, Grass Hons s Hnlahnla Dancers, Coco«nut Orore« Street Views aud Mawaiian Sfyle Kiding Bnildings, Palm and Date Grovea War Vessels, Shipping alid Manne Views. Also, a L«rge Collection of «11 Prouiinent and Interesting Views of the Hawaiian IsLsod8 eitber monnted or anmonnted. Amateur Work Solidted. P.O. Box 498. Baby Carriages 0F ALL H'm.KK, Carpets, Rugs, Mats IN TME LATEST PAlTEKN9. “HOUSEHOLD * Sewin<r Machines O Haxd Siwing Machines, tyAU With the Lntest In proTemenfa'\£3 PARLOR Organs, Guitars, And Other Muaieal lnatrcment<«. \Vines, Liquors, Beer ALWAY8 on hano. and FOR 8ALE BY ED. H0FF8CHLi E6ER l COL King St.. oppo. CactW k CooktS. * - Holomua 4 Publishing + Co., 44 PUBLISH£RS of the * ♦ HAWAIl • • HOLOMUA,” fV Jonrnal issued Daily, (Snnd i_v eicepted) In tbe English hmgnage. and pledged in policv to gnpport the Rights a nd Previlkge.s of tho Hawahan ĪPkople. tho intereste of the iabonng men, and good and honest Government for the wh.Je conntry. JOB PRINTERS All Books and Job Pri.vtixo neatly execated at short notice and at moderate figares. BILL HEADS, CARD8, LETTER HEADS, P0STER8. etc., Finished in First-CIass style. Island Onlers solicited and promptly attended to. Office : Tbouias’ Block, King Street, Honoiola, H. L