Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 9, 27 September 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Jrrom thc 'Watrr- ( froaf. Arrivals. We1ne»(lny, Sept 27. Brit ShirCo. of Merioneth, froiu New CHstle N S W. H.iw bk M iiinn Al*, from Siin Francisc.->. Departures. Tre<D\v, Sept 26. U.S SBost >n, Day. for Siu Friiacisc>, at 1:.’W p. m. O i OSS Oeeanie, Smith, for S;in Fn«nci«o>. Stmr Wninleale, Smythe, for Lahaina and Hamakna. Stmr Iwalmi, F-»*ero>in. for Knnai. Stmr eiainline. D,ivis, f>r Mani. 8tmr C R Bishop, Le CL<ira, f>r Nawiliwili, Hauammln. Kilanea »nd Hanalei. Am Hchr Alioe Cooke, Penhallow, for Port Townsend. Wedno«lay. Sept. 27. Haw schr Amenenna, Fi«ter, for Fn»nce. Shipping Notes. The Hhip Connty of Merionetb bronght a cart?o of coals fn>ra New Gast1e, N 8 W. Tbc bnrk M mua Aln brings n snpply of kay, grain aud fee 1, from 8an Frnnciscō. Foreign Vessels Expected. [This ’,ist does not Inclnde Steamers] Vessels in Port. U S S \dams. Nelnon. U S S B.>ston, Dny. U 8 S Philad iphin, Parker. Br sch Nonna, k'okohniuA. Am sch Alioe C->oke. Penhallaw, Pgt Sonnd Aro hk D scovery, Christian<ien, S F. Br bk Dira. Petersou, NeweaaUe, N S W. Aro bkt Ir ng>ird,8ohmidl, Lnysan Island. Am bkt W H Dimoud, Nelaon, S F Ara hkt S G Wilder. MeNeill, S F. Am sh To f >(j*lUnt. .Iaeks.>n, P rtTownsend Am bk Detroit Ihinah, Nanaimo. Am bk Pianter. D >w. 8 F. Am bk Ceyh>o. ealhoaa. S F. Jap S 8 AĪkokn Uuu, Vokohatua. Br sh Co o< Menoneih S, N. W. Haw Bk Manna Ala S. F.