Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 9, 27 September 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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The fnilowing pns.aeMg-<rs «rnved and d«*p.irt«i y»‘Sterd iy: Frota 8in Kmneiae >. per bkt PIanter.—Mrs. I. L ia Pierre «nd s<>n, Mr Ah >r >, Morr ; s Sichel, E B Br*y «nd C Hurr<knne. Y *k>*him i, p«*r. S S Oee-.nie.—G C Leissie. T \ H«rdca«tle, K Yiiums.Cipt F D W*lk»*r and 116 Chin«*se siet*r g- p«sseng»ri. Frotn Uaw.iii «nd Maui, per sttnr Mikaiial t. —Tulcaoo: S S!iaw. C R Sinipkins. Frora K<>n«. Kan «nd Liliama: Rt Rev Bishop «<f Honoluln, J Tosb. wtfe and cfaildren, Mrs S Nowlein, cfaild and serv«ut. Mrs Lineoln, Mrs D H»K>lap«. Miss B Ililii. Mrs J M>les, Miss A Hoapili, Mrs Lokala. For M < ui and H«w«ii, per stmr Ctaudiue—J \ : ort Oat, Miss Heleu Cfaamber!«in, Mrs W D Alex«nder, ACuckburn, Mr B«Ileuliue, Mrs Sylva, Mias K Euglish, Mrs J W Kaiua. S Morria, J E Rho «des. L Aseu, V V Ash- . f »rd. C F Horuer «nd wifa. Mrs £ Norrie, M<ss Heleu P«rker. * i

“ After the Boston BjH” Notcs. It is snid that a gatne of r>oker I was c.trried on in the Att>mey offices daring the evening Tbat tbe menaegrie 6nrgeon with -the -rank -of - Cnptaiu—wns showiup < ffh:sd nniforin. Thnt the question was asked who sns1 pended him to his awonl. That the Conimander-in-chief-wīth-the rank of C«>lonel and st<tf prep red themselves ou the front verunduh to receiA-e the Adiuiral.

That when the adrniral arrived they stood lookinp perfectly I aghast, witli tb*-ir bands trenib I ling at their sides, and al!oWed | hini to find h:s way in as best he conid. Th«t chickens walked otfverv I • i lively from th*- supper tabled. That the army officers in fnll j r«-g lia were apeinp royulty to their hearts couteut. That s fted d<iwn there were ab<iut one hnndred society people present. Tbat the b.iuds were caged in by flags. Ttint the m >kai \V T aikiki corner venndah mnn w.is n«t lighted up. That guests from f mr years of age and upw.ir<ls occupied apart of the front verand ih. That notwihsln(iding the Star’s assertion, cig<rs an<l cigirettes w<-re ,»er niss <b!e the entire eveni»g Tnat it was a noticeabIe fact that the Moti<c»n mid Alliaiiee nbb' >ns did n<<t appear um<>ng ttie I dec >r.-iti«ii8. Tiiat the sliglil wae e <nimeiiUd up >n by Some of th<ise presei<t Tliut h<utdlums occupied th«v r«ndah on ihe »VaiKiki eide of t«e buiidi g. That tnbs w*-re plMCrd on th<* bic<i verandih f<r th<>se guesls ahiwisiied t<i wasb their hands. Tnaleouie of thein needed it. • That accesa t<* the raenngerie was prevented by ihe plac'ng of guMida at the head of the bisement etairs leadi«g t« the hallwa v. That the breakiDg of several disbes w *s tbe cause of a meeting of the aid-de-camp aud others of the wuiter corps. That tbe npsturs verandabs were the lovers retreat. Th it some of the apartments needed a thorongh wasliiugyesterday morning. ThHt the Royalists who were invtted showed tbeir good sense by stavmg a way. The dresses of several ladies who d:d not atteud the ball was descr.be<l i detail by the iiuagi native reporter of the Stur. That |>o)itics w.ts nut to inierfere at all with tbe issuiog of iuvitatious. Th it it did. That. ‘’Papa;” said a girl when walking into tbe Palaee yard the otber evening, ‘ what is that step ladder left standing agai<ist the PaUee for r ’ Papa. “Tbat is not a step ladder my : ehiKl. it is tLe profiie of the j doctor.”

Thiit 8evrtul myahsts d:d nu receive mvit >tions. Th.it tbe Caj>ta-n « f t)ie B<>stoi was not i»rescnt at ti;e l*ail. 1 hut “the so|iper' has beei garnisheed. rhat annexafion s paj>a wished that “he ’adn’t gone!” The St-«r Jescr>bes Mrs. S. M. Dmion as bfing dressed in u lioavy eream s : lk; laee trun ning; ornaments. diaiuonds; n Loiulon ereation. Who i-r whieh of all that. m;iy we usk, was a L<>ndon creatiou.

Tbat tiie usnal “royul ’ qnadI riile was n>ituraily umdted «t tbe bull. Tbe puhlie wo.ihl 1:ke t know wbo the promiuent cit zen W«s wbo had the bouor « £ bemg ttie vi* a-vi* to Mrs. S. B. D<>ie iu tbe “presedent.ul’’ q<i«d?.ile. LOCAL NEWS. Tbe B sb«>pof Honolnln retur'.ed to H.iuoluiu, by tbe M.kah la yesterday afterno >n. We bear tii.it Mr. M T . G. Smitli, tbe edit >r of tbe St ir and f.tmily mtend tj proceed to New York with in u month or two. Mr. C. F. Horner, left last pigbt by tbe C!audme f.-r Muui. His p<rting words were: “No more borse-rucing for me.” We don't believo it though. We underst;iiid tbat an investigutiou is being held by tbe Amer ean Ad«niral in regard to tbe eoal-pile, belonging to tbe U. 8. Navy in Houolulu. Some startliug disclosures are prornised. The Hea!unis seem to bo tbe f.»vorites. Two to <*ne was «>fl’ered and taken on them ag «inst tbe M} rtles by two loeul sports }*esterduy. Tbis ougbt nnt t<> be a criterion tbougb for tbe resalt of tbe race. Sorae Nuuanu Street residents eomplaiu, bec.tuse their water pipes were sbatofflast Monday night. Tbeirclaimis tb«t tbe rea son waa tbat tbe ‘•bali” needed «11 the wat«r to keep tbe electric ligbt hurning.