Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 8, 26 Kepakemapa 1893 — THAT INVESTIGATION. [ARTICLE]
We have learned with decide<lly pleasamble sensations, ihat an investigatioa has been ordered, and is now in progress, on the part of some of the P. G. patriots, into the espenditores of certain others of the P. G. patriots,—and that tbe patriots of the alleged “army” are the bright, particular patriots who a/e to be investigated. This action may seem nngi-ateful to the heroes who are aboot vo be thus subjected to the ealeinm ligbt of officiaI inquiry. To thiuk tbat such illnmination sbould be turned upon their patriot deeds, especially after tlieir performanee of tbe son?ewhat rare feat, (i riJe one of themselves, in an earlier issae of the “organ,”) of having not only “given up their lives’’ for the holy cause, but being “willing to do it again.” Why shonld such heroic •‘freaks” be investigated? We feel confident that we are but voicing the sentiment of the patriots afore said, in declaring that intheir heroic modesty, they court no such prominence as tbat they are tbrcatened withal, and that they woold mueh prefer to “fight, ble«d and die,” continuocsly and repeatedlv, in the se - vice of their (borrowed) country, rather than be exposed to the scrutinizing inqairies of a co’d andc: nel investigatiugcommitlee. wLo nnderstand naught of true patriotism, mayhap, (eepecially in the matter of exjiend>tures,) to say nothing of the rank and i-ampant royalists, who may misconstrue their holy motives. Since tbat good and wise old Doctor Johnson bas defined “pa!>riotis'n” to be “tbe Iast resort of a scoundrel,” we are not disposed to deny that the Provision d Government’s military heroes are, for th« most part. genuine patriois, nor that their patriotism has l>een coaspicioosly displayed in their service of the present most saintly of all earthy governments, too saintlv, alas, to long eontinne in Hfe. The Holomua bas no doubt tfast an efficient investigation will nnearth great big ehnnka of “patriotisra” in tbe H? .eial management of the *fi>orce,” such as wonld make ?ood old Doctor Johnson proud of his definition, as «bovequoted. 5ot for the present we do not prop-se to aasist tbe commitee
• k overmnch in their exertions. Still, we will keep onr eye peeled to see that they do not permit tbemselves to be metamorphosed into a whitewash brigade. But it may prove interesting to the eommiUee to inqaire into ihe price paid for snare drums, ana to ask who furniabed the same? Let us know whttber that eonapieuona and reaplendent patriot, the Commander-oi-the-fbrces»with- the-ian k-of-Colo-nel, conld hare obtained thoee druma for $10.00«aeh, but ehoee to furniah tbem bimaelf, (in hie eapacitv of tbe Hawaiian News Company), for tbe thrifty figure of $14.00 eaeh ? We ? d like to know, yon know. And how reaaaonag to be ahle to ailenoe ihe nngodly velpera who are ahooting •‘lhief at
tbe holv un« in office, bv »b*xring that Hdly Wīllie, the Q*Mrt**r 'lastor Gener.il. ba? neitber b !2 <i l e pricee, nor nndniv expande<l the milit*ry mj>rket for hie «wn w;irt.'* Oome V» tbick it over: y<*s: certainly, let the fuiri->ts be ;nv**9tigit-d