Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 8, 26 September 1893 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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OHEAP FTJEL ;Fresh Algeroba Firewood $9.00 p«r Cord Oellv«red. JNO. F. COLBURN CO. lns Long Brancli BAT H1N G Establishment. This First-class Bathing Resort hns heen enlarge<l aml is no* open to the pnblic. It is the best plaee on the islands to enjoy a bath and tbere is no bettor plaee to lay off. Sj>ecial aeeommodations for Ladies. TraracHra pass the door every ha!f hour and on Satnrdays aud Sundays every fifteen minntes. JAMES SHERWOOD, Proprietor. HO YEN KEE & CO„ Tinsmitbs and dealers in Crockery ware, Glassware, eto. Watcr Pipes Laid andRepaircd, Plniul)ii>(! Neatly Esecute«l. No. 41 Nuuanu St., between King and Hotel Streets, Aseu Building.

POPULATI0N 0F THE HAWAHAN ISLANDS. NATiONAUTIKS. Nnlivo* ... Hft)l oahUm f Cbln«H*o Portagu*NMi Otb#r Fon»ign#ni (a). TotuU (a) Kuuiu«rfttiou o( Por- | eign«M. AmeHouM llnUahon OenuuOM .... NorwogUu« Fr*noh ?olyuMinnft HU.UW) ),®2S i.344 ).o;»4 227 70 m 410 2.14; 1 4H ).)5 0 'Jti o (m o «4 0 47 U>giHter«<1 Vot«rM. !:*»♦ 62 «Wt 1S5» )*)♦ :t»iHi 3» 8,777 777 14(5 Per oeuUge on nntuh«ir o( votent. 64 58 5 73 I 00 2,001 1,802 13,503 15 33 13.27 100.00 Ownen o(IUftl KhUU. 3,271 305 106 4 22« 234 460 Amonut PercuntHge pftid o( iu 1880. 4,605 177 160 67 10 8 6 33 13,609 1136. 416 06 Amouut. 5,016 16,262 3,108 2,03:1 29.835 06 100,878 56 23,310 40 230,810 26 41,008 1,330 636 518 460 130,008 30 «7.414 80 25,748 04 6,648 12! 26.3 6.4 20.4 4.3 44.6 637,757 30 100.0 Aven»ge per beit(l. Employed UH Plautatiou Lalx>rent. 20 0 12 5 4.0 1.2 $ 0 05 4.0« 6.76 7.20 81.70 100.00 106 26 100 16 40,70 14 77 1.873 4.617; 3,017 18,606 IDmkm. U. E»oe«ftt»( blrlb. over d*albft. C. lududing birlb«.