Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 8, 26 September 1893 — TOPICS OF THE DAY. [ARTICLE]

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The ball given at the PalMee iast night, was Mceording to the ,\flvertiser of a semi-official c*st :n that the governmertt eomh'ne»! , with a certain political organiaa- ' eion in gntheriug a uumber of ; «upporters togetber as a Iast. an»l ; dying kiek in memoriavn of the now (lefun*‘t »nnexat:on scheme The very “tlemocmtic assetr b!y whieh met at the Palaee. was, S‘> 1 :o say, the last of the annexHtīou I promoters in the last d.tch. Tharousing mixture of the “mission arv f>nuilies' with the Amenean iottery-elerneut, and the drei buudert was char«ctcrist;C of thc polilieal sitnation in Hawaii The first element working for politieal j>ower and tlieir poctets. the second, for ]>laces n der auy g >vernme*it, and the third, for aasi!y earned br»*ad and bntter, made a rather incongrous eombination, and nuist have made a peculiar impression on the strauger» who visited the ball. The gathering ndtler representcd tbe citizens of Hawaii, nor Honolnlu society, or at least. not the “full-dress” sociely of the Hawaiian capit*l. lf th • Bo« on officers enjoyed the eoiupaiu’ tbey are to be congratulated.

The A»Uert»ser in > eleep aml my8lerions manner tr es to explaiu why Ailim:ral Skerret tliil not prohibit his subordiuates from particip*tiug in the polilieal dem<»ustratiou direi-ted against the Hawaiians <>f !ast night aml says th.-.t Enropeans ean not look throngli the gl-isses of “westeni civiliz .tiou." “Western civilizat i<>u” is a v» iy good word snd uodonbtedly u very niee thing, b«t we yet bolieve that ‘‘weatern civilizati»>o M iu regard to everything pertaining to utilitarv' aud nuval inattt*rsc»n be vastly nuproT«*d uot alone in the actuallv arts of war but more especiallv in the liue «f d s» ipline,etiquette. aud O'i-/* dwpfii. The Bostou Oi'hcers soiibbed the Admiral aud their brot’eer pfficers > on the Phil idelph*a by a aving awav en from the ball given at the Hot *l. lf the p*. - ties uieutione»l are nadv to pocket the snub t iey .»».* woleouie t** do so bnt it »1 esu t uiake Eur<.jMM»us »dmire *'wesieru ei\iI. i» iz.t on.

Tnit the !;»dies who Ul tB«god the b«U «t th© ii >tel »n l issned the invit<tiōo8 wh eli the B>>st n ortic-'rs lul uol accej>t meefely j»ockete*l the insu.t aiul aga«M umieihn.k the f«molions . f mnq giug him! receivingwt tho palaee bill. n«id*ur|iri8ehoIhkK. Ihe la<lie> »n H«»u<»luiu are not <»verseivait ve wheie cver »aval orticers j,n eoaeemeil —but tuat f*ct »s as oKi as t< e hiiK aii<i - being illustr«Uai »etkly, <iailv, yes, honrly lt is < vi«le»it thvt the e li!or of the >«!<» riiser most have »ri‘tcn bis »-<liU>r *?s for this iuornu.g s msue “nfter tbe l»all was Over,’

| bec«osc he has rt-ally snreeeded > i in,bocomiug raore onfatbomable ' 1 than ever before. He -tarts te!l- r ( ing ns soniething al>o«t Hooo- I •dula s water-supply, bmnches <ffj i by J«plotiuft. tlie, defeat of tbe , [ Itcform Party in' '1SS*0—*i <kfeat for whieh he. bv the wav, i1\vhvs i has as>umvd a great p«rtion of i I the L< nur *nd cred.t. bnt wliieh I . he ti<*w savs, w<<s accon»]»lisbed , ’ bv the “boo<I:ers an'i ; ;i-raff .11,1 he then iodnlges in a splenj . iic attack on Cl»n- Spj-eckela. < whoni he ealU the ■ chief Hawaiiaii boodler and pol tician. Aftcr tbat feat. he kicks at the alleged royalist> ret»iued iu g<»v1 enimcut j>os5tion>. aud hirshes j with a final slap at the Qiieen. ; Th's congloraeiation iu an eci.t<i- : ia! eolnuiu beaded ‘ The B»ll i make6 ns cOnfiraied m onr suspicioos. ihat brotber. J< imstone j mnst h»\e had TL»t te< • >bly t<Pfsl - f eeling After tbe Batl.

\\> lie' eve t ! h fi rst I ti:oe that CIS|>r. f:k- hns Wn ci;ibbed a bo >Uler bv «n« journa! .,r citi**n of l»:»« aii. He h.»s Wn g:vt* • extrein»'ly mani’, u> ,r ' nr l et! *> coujpiiuienUry nam<-3 !;'»rn ihe pens and mouth? of ’ni> jK)iitical nu-i.'M* io H.iāine• he \m. ed his money hf-re but we lnve n.a till now lieard him disonbe ns a ; b;> •<iier. l'iie man who li >s br<»nght more .m>nev here f>r investruent than all the <>tber n’anl. rs put together, wh<* hi<« d**ve1oped, an 1 by his energetic an<l enterj)?'?i"g *x Hii:|ile ene<>ur»ged the sugar indu8lrv, who has fi'Ied our h»rbor8 with Bteaire*-8and ve—-e'?. and wno

n l( il I* » to-d 'V |vivs an inumnae j)ri»p.>rti<>n of tlie revenues «f Ihe conn‘py inU» the trea!-nry, eau h»rdly b<' termerl a h H«dler. Ile lt;<s bef«.e lv en e»Hed a bighway-rahb'*r hp<J t i«.r tie—well he m!iy tv«ve “stood the }»lai;t ei-». up” iukI ma«U* them accejit his t» rm«i.—the p'a whn f«nght him »nd tripd t« d<-stroy »i’d ru«n him in these l9hi!idē, h’h i hjo<l**r is a inan wh<> thr »igh andvr hand eil meane. and ;i s ieaking m«nner rries without increa?ing the w«alth of n commnuity t > drain the trea5Uirv with his vub,ure eia wh«by manijwilatinjr. c«mr>r<*nrisi g. lving and pr«mi9irg, gains his ende on the eanie j«rinciple ae the Jesnits; h«it th r- s a«thipg nnder handed ahout Chns Sprec«el». He prefera fight t«> e ni'pv« n’3e every day in the week-yand h« uever geta defeated.