Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 8, 26 Kepakemapa 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

€>mrral Mrfrti$rmrnts H. L()SE, ISTotary 3r*ublie. I Collector and General Bu»ines$ I Ageni. Mnla&l TeWpbone 8. P. O. Box 33S. J!erchan; »!roet. H»noin!a. Tm». P. Stv«i>. A W. nfttfTER. ALOHA GALLERY 513 Four SnatD Honolitx. (Up-«utr».> Portraits & Landscapes Finest (.'oll?ctkm oi Hawaiian Vūnrs. P. O. B..x 4S«. “;fat boy.BAY HŪRSE ’£*? 8AL00N I P. MiT' v ERXV, Propriit<ik, Fine Liquors. Wines and Beer. Corxek Brrnix a.vd Hotkl Sts. — I Elias Kaululaau Wright 13* DENTIST,-^; Comer of Kiuj> aml Bethrl StH., rj».tairs, j Entrance on King Street. OrFfcE Honw—From 0 a.ui. to ’ 12 m., 1 to 4 p.m. Sun»lays 1 excepted. ESTABL1SHED A. D. 1863. i Pioneer Steam Candy Factory! B A K E Ti Y amd Ice Cream Parlors F. HORX, Proprietor. PRACTICAL Ct)iifediorier I Oiiiamenlei’ ln all braurhes of the basiness on these islands. AAIEIUOAN, FREXCH, ENGLISH axd GERMAN PASTR1ES MADE TO ORDER. Wedding and Birth-day CAKES Made of tbe very best muterial, nnsnrj)assed in richuess of qnality and ornamented in nnapproach- , able style, at lower prices than any other establishmcnt in Honolnlu. j : Family \ Fancy Bread, ■ 1 Gnava Jelly, Preserved Tamarinds | 1 and ] Tamarind Syrnp. I ALL CGNFECTIONERY , Mannfactnred at my Estab- ( lishment ' f are Guaranteed ti be PosmvELV < Pfre and sold at prices no ] other establisbment ean 1 eonapeie with. i FACTORY 4 STORE, 1 No. 71 Hotel Street. < Between NnnannandFort Streets \ BOTH TELEPHOXES Xo. 74.