Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 8, 26 September 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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j(n5uranff ilotirr$. R()YAL IXSURAXCF, C0. OF LIVEHPOOL. The Largest in the Worid. ASSETS, JAN. I, 1892, - $42,432,174.00 Fire Risks oa all kinds of Insurance Property laken .it Current Rates by .1. S. WALKEH, Ag«nt for Hawaiian Islamls. Fire, īiife d Marine ~*INSURANCE*~ Hartford Fire Insnrance Co., Assets, $7,109,825.49 London & Lancashire Fire Ins. Co., Assets, ?4,317.052.00 Thames & Mersey Marine Ins. Co., Assets, ?6,124,057.00 Hew York Life Ins. Co., Assets, 8137,499,198.99 C. O. BERGER, General Agent for Hawaiian Islands, Honolulu, H. I. H- E. McINTYRE & BR0„ IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Groceries, Provisions & Feed EAST CORNER FORT & K1NG STS. New Go<xls receivecl by every Packet from the Eastern States aml Europe. Fresh Caīiforni« Procluce by every steamer. All Orders faithfully attend c d to. and Goods delivered to anv part of tbe C»tv—Free of Charge. fsland Orders solicited. Satisfaction gnaranteed. Post Office Box No. 145. Telephonf. No. 92. 6RāND OPENIN6 OF THE New Fnrniture Store ! Robinson Biock. Hotei St.. oppo. Bethei St FTJRNITURE, Upholstery and Cabinet Making OX 1IAXD AX KXTKNSIVE ASSORTMEXT OF AVicker AVare, Antiaue Oak Bedroom Suits, Chiffoniers, Sideboards, etc. Wardrobes, Mattrasses, Pillowa, Etc., MADE TO ORDER. No Second Hand or Damaged Goods Kept on Hand. ORD WAY & PORTER, Robiason Bh ck Hotel St., oppo. Bethel St