Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 8, 26 Kepakemapa 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
‘ CHA8. MOLĪENO. . cT TONSOEIAL AhTIST, No. 511 Km£ Street. Hom Inla H. I. Give ti»e a trul. i __ L. H. DEE, r ; Jobl>er of r ‘ > • i Wines, Spiiits aoil Beet$ HOTEL S F., Between Fort «nd Bethel Streef« LEWIS & Co., Who!esaie and Retail 6rocers .OfD PROVISION DEALERS. FRKSH GALIF0RN1A SALM0N ON KB By Every San Francisc»i $te»uuer. Salt Salmos ix Baubels a Specialtt. iir Fort St. , H<moiulu. Tel. 2. t 'ix P. O. Box i!UST ARRIVED, W W H V V Baby Carriages ♦ OF ALL STYI.ES, t Carpets, Rugs, Mat$ IX TIIE LATEST PATTERVS. “ HOUSEHOLD’’ ' SewintT Machine5 o Haxd Sewixg Maohinm, ty.AU With the Latest Improveman PARLOR Oro:ans, Guitar?<* And OtherMusical Inatrnment«. Wines, Liquors, Beei ' AI.WAYS OX HAXD, AXD FOR 8ALE BY ' ED. aOfTSCHUEGEB L 0« Kint; St.. oppo. CA-<tie k C<m>V*- a W. S. LUCE : q 5? r Wine and Spirit MercW Campbell Firt-proof Hloek, MERCHANT ST. HONOLULIP Tmeo. P. Sevekix. A.W. Cotirm« f HAWAilAN GALLERY, Xcr\yr H *xoi.rLi», (Oppo. Oneen Emma HaU). _____ m Views of the Islancl < onsun*,ly on H*nd, neh w ‘SatiTea Making Poi, Oaw Hon<- • Halahalm Daaoers, CoooM«t Onr«« Street View« «nd Hawaiiao ‘ 4 tyle Buil'lings. Pahn aad D«te Ok>t«« ‘ W»r Tct«eh, Shippiag mod Mtrine Vie*i T • a * AUo. a I arf;e Coilectioa of «B Promin«at aad Intereatiog Viewa of Uw H**anai> laUmla either nionnted or aomoontod. Work Soliaied. P.O. Bo* 4iē.