Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 8, 26 September 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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The Boston Ieft at 1:30 o eloek p. m. The Oeeanie Ie*Tes this afternoon at 4 p m. forSan Francisco. We regret to leam of the seri ous i!laess of Mr. Th. W Everett at his home in Waikapn, Maui. The Hawaiian 4-masted schtxmer from Tacoma en ronte tn Fr«nce arriTed this f<'renoon. She called at this port to procure her r**gii-ter. TbeBall was*a howling snccess. Tbat is to say the so!diers and gOTernment employees howled for the Star luneh whieh the Portuguese had already scoffed—iu bags !r ! W e congra(nlate Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Thomas upun the arrivul of the ‘*new royalist” who eame into their household last Saturday. We also congratulate the young lady on the fact tbat the Boston ball. \ras a tl‘ing of the past before her being able to attend sucb festivities.