Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 7, 25 September 1893 — EX-KING MATAAFA EXILED [ARTICLE]

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Takfii to K.iLit.>ro l»l.tnd on a (ienwan t>ar Nliin. i J * [ BY TELEGRAPH T0 THE HF.RALD. ] i . . j | Apia, Sam«i, via S:u Francis i eo, Ca!., Sent. 1. 1893 —l!. j Geruian war sbip Sperber Ieft ; Apia on July 26 with e\ King i Mata <fa -.nd fais danghter a< tl ten of h:s immediate foilow< rs of rank, bound forK tkaofo Is an<l. one of the Uuion Gronp, there t > I land M>tt afa and his follower- i as exl!es from Sumoa. 1 fae | | Saraoan govermneat is to pay ■ $10 ea< b raoath for eaeli j)ris >r.er i for rations Twe:>ty-fonr other rebe!s have been sentenced to tbree years at hard labor, and sbould any of them escape his land will be eonfiscatcd by the government. Eightv-seven lesser offender. O * were sentenced to pay a lino < f $200 —$100 to be paid at the end of six months and the rest in t\velve months. niese fitv's are to be utitized iu road making.