Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 7, 25 September 1893 — TOPICS OF THE DAY. [ARTICLE]

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Tbo St >r iias brancbed out ap.iinnsa ‘deportati r *n'’ p«per. «nd its whines and gnasbes Jii- t* • r* . bec-iT -e the povernment still r< f ses to be «lirtated to.1»v tbi s* jr <diqne. and niake h’.i «ttei;.; t to eonimii a still pre.«l r ontrago «gainst tLe Qiu-« n. TI;e lies whieh aro boing i ant>f t< i ired for tbe oeeaf. .ii by tbe S; ir pimple in repard t tbe Q . : “g‘‘ing »ronnd and fg;tuling ainonp tbe H«Mrai5ans,’ ar« s.» :«’.•■ ur«l as t« m&ko all r«. iU . iii.it unocci''*ssary. “Tb« !,tU’ v\ I • > . p«raded as tbe {* .1- f>!!iu*i- sbonld stick ptri<*tly t> l,er r“' : p'ous work, in \vbii*!i sb o1.hu - t > be ergag d an.«>ng th Hawa iai-H, and sbe l»b«iabl e. . - to be a gn-sij>er or e Fc;indal m >. .. *r for tbe l»enefit of ti;o S.;u Her poor old silly head shon1d trv to get some (ow ti ilv Cbristian ideas into ii or f!io sbouId shut «p her sbop as u *‘reformer «n-cbief. Tbe ball to be gi\eu to-uight at the Palaee to the officers of the Boston. is not a “citizen albiir” as tbe Hiiuexati n-organs cl> sir<* to m «ko it apptar lt is timplv an entert.iinment giveu l v a combiuation botween the governmcnt >m 1 i eertain po itieal cli<,u und it " ill to say tbe le:«st bo an extremely niixed a' v air a tl be a i uiqne ui.d aiuusiug bht'W to Lehol 1. ■Mr. H M. Wh:tn y <*f the P. C. A lvertiser, b:is drawn pretty Lo»«\ily on his weil known imag. in un interview whieh he hrts succe«‘.l«>l iu gettiug priuted in aome British Colombia papers an l wliieh the Advertiser reprodnces this inoruing. The fir»t statement of Mr. Wbitney. tha.t tb< •ro was a prop«isitioa to dis- j possess the foreign resideuts li« ro of their offices and of their |ranchise is simply a b«se less inVention of the gentiemnn him8fclf. Mr Whitney, has never pe-oi nor linel acceas to t'te eon8t.tution whieh tbo Queen desire«l |o subst'tate f«*r the constitntion of nnd ho eon- 1 *• \ ently doesn’t know w!-at he is j |rtlkiog «bout.. Tbe Advertiaer : tn«nager. {ht-a qn<>tes Mr. Hlouni vrbo be claims fully re:«hzv<i ; tbat tbe P. (». was tbe best g >v enimeni Hawaii ev> r had, and lbat he wxs qnite s,it!sfied. tbst t!ie pnJ»Po bnsiness v. - ba- ' ir._» w : stlv eon locted. Now, 1 «nv body who kuows tbe “min i■••■ r t e nt'‘ wi 1 be aware th»t it wonld l»e p« rfevtiy cootraiy tu h s line of e >aduct to inake sach | au expresa»on, and we ar- bound ■ to beiieve tuat Mr. Wbitney’» imHgini*tion has played him a trick «gain. In reg«rd to the St «tisties with whieh Mr. Whitpev has beea outertaming his J interviewor. wo -hall i*efer our! yeaders to tbe t«bla of statistics. J whieh we p »bl sbed a few «l ys »g .*. and whieh disprov« s the claims th«t tbe Amenean» play

the financial or poIitic«l rolo in Hawa i, whieh Mr. Whitney and tbe other anncx«tionists so eonst«ntly are making.

Mr. Whitney. fini?be» his remarkable »t>tements with tue ootr.:sreous as»ertion that the mass of tbe “native populalion care verv little who rnles. Esj>ec5ally t!;is tbe c,«se »ith those livjii g ont cf Honololo.’’ If Mr. i Wbitney sj>e.ik honestly, be must be astonisbingly ignor«nt of the r-ue sentiments of the Hiwaiiun uatives; astonisbingly, bec.«nse, be is a:;d bas been for ye«rs the man«ger c*r owner of a Hawaiian ncwsp«per. nnd thereby sboul«l be in a position to observe tbe overwhelming interest wh>cb e«cb and everv Hawa;ian from Mawaii to Niihau takes in «II polilieal questions eonnecte«l with Lis conutry. Wbat Mr. Wbitney e.xpected to gain by filIing tb*> Dritlsh Co!umbia papers with f.ilseho«xl.s and mistatements, we «I» not knnw. We ■ don't think th»t he has gaine«l mneh. Tbe Snprintendent of Water Work», the Sn:>reme Conrtstenograpber, lbe Sccretiry of the Foreign c>fiice, tbe Doputy Attorney 6« ner.>l, tbe Cbief Clerk of tbe Interior Dep«rtment, the sti>re keepfrattbe Custora Honse, are shining ligMs ou tbe several “Boston BalT *x>raroittees. It is said that “Unele’’ Jobn Hassmger is a very usefnl comraitteeman. and tb it Audrew Brown is a usefui adjunct to the Pinaueo eommiUoe. Astbel)allĪ8 given by tbe Aunemlion Club aud its sapporters, wby is it tbatgovernment offici«ls are «levoting so inueh of lheir time «way from tbeir resi)eotive duties? Tbere raust be sometbing to *lo in tbe varions «lepartmental offices, one tbing is certain however tbe matter <if tlie city’s w«ter supply is of serious eoneem just now, »nd sbould receive more attention tban the finances of a politicaI deioonstr«tioti. Tbat those officials are neglecting tbeirofficial «luties wbitb the perraissiou of tbe Excutive is evident.