Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 7, 25 Kepakemapa 1893 — Blount calls on Gresham [ARTICLE]
Blount calls on Gresham
H l(T;iiri t!;«* SahjfTf of • ('«nf.-rrn.-c Brt«(Yn tlw* S«*rn*t«i7 «f udi1 thr Minlst«*r. [w tej ki.i aph to tj:e he .m p. J W.-tsiii igt,»n A •<* Min au,l Co<mn’ssioner B.»nnt, fr»«m Hoiiololu, reacheil t’<e ci(v to-«la\. H.* wa* • * • prompt in r .llii-o at tbe S( to Department to see his cbief, bnt t e S cret,i y nc»t !i.iv ng !■ ea mformeii th.*t he intentle.l c .lling, w.a u««t īn. niid 3Ir. B!..unt hks eompelleil to Jefer taik'iig over h.s r.‘| ort until J : .ter in tiie .lny. Ihe tv.o ha.l a thvee h. m s eon fer°uce ;n the «fteni->on No one was adn<iite<l t« llio e uneil ex ee t Socrct.ry Lamont. antl he ra.naine.l on1\ a short tiiae. B t*i S <T.tarv (»rcsliHUi ..ntl M’, B:ot,r.t \>.ere «l;<mb awhat tbey l-.a.I t«tlked a!.o«t As Mj'»ister Hionnt s 1 e - . :it n report w.s s i.t intf> ro,».. '.t tl;e begining of t!ie e . ..f. reuce it is ff-.il to pie.-niiie t w .s the siibj* ct of the greater part of the discnssion. Mi. !»*•*. nt r fnse«l to (l<v;-fgo wli.ii his flttule i.mv» >n, nts wunld be. H. t >ltl u.e tms <*\eiiing th:tk any stntement i. gar.lu.g his inia* sion to tho Hnw.i an lslai,.la wouul enieuate from tne Stata Department. IMPBoTED IX Mr. Blonnt hns greatiy im|.rov e*l iu heait!i since he left hrro, uuil the elimako of Ilawaii seema to bave agree*l with him Tho lobby of tbeSl.oreham H.4. 1 w ( ,a lil!e,l to-niglit with his intim;\?o pei*N.>iial fnonds, wh.> Wiir,n!y congratulated him upon liis roe tnrn and h s excellent pl \sitvl e 'nd:tion. Mi. Pi. unt will uot visit Gray G fl»les. bnt will postf>one seeing the President until Lis retnrti fo the \V hite Hou.se. He will seeSecretary Gresham t*>-u,or r,w, and in n f<-\\ .1 ,ys will le.,ve for bis home in G-orgia. !o-u aff?r the Pn sident s return thor>- r. ‘f be a eouf*-rence, when th** r. j...»t will be fi»ily iiiscassed. The p> port is stili cnrrent h* r. that.Mr. Blount wil) nrge a prot ctora*‘> ratber thun anncxatiou Bol>ert U. W ilcox. f<>iir.c,!y a member of Queen Liliookalani*!* Cabinet, again pays his r* -; - to ei-Minister Stev.-i.s a? ; I. fha pro\isional government in a Josg commanication receive.l t»v.].y by Mr. Celso Moreno. ofthis. it*, Here are a few extracts;— HK. STEVE-VS’ OPEHA B >l'EEK As Hon. J. H. Blouut is-«*>ro-ing to Washington he wīli tell the trutb from tbe eommenee ment to the end of tbe opcra bontfe of Mr. 8tevens. «hieL h»*s already been writteutoth. Au.*>r ieau press by impartial « ,itera. like Nonlholf an«l a fe» ».(bors M hat I want to reiuind voo el, so that in yonr conver>atioa w:tN Senators you will be able ;. i’l them ‘<he whole trutli. in :L,s ‘*Ever since Mr. Stever«s' ap
|H;;r.taieut »s Min:sU-r Kesident to Ha >»ii by his *private friend, Mr. Bnne.’ be conspirvd with the 'ons and gn»ndsoiis of the missiun»ries »g.»mst the goTerncient *if Ihe Qne*-n. I know this a fact. lu .•rd<-r tu a<-complish this robbery an a'tempt w. s made to j>r* el.iiiu a new c*>u>titution. Mr Steveus aud his fellow eonspirators kuew well thnt the ardent wisli of rtll the Hawaiians w,t- t have a new constitot»on in t«tplaee of the one foreed ui>on the 1te K5ug Kalakaua by K reiga rebtls. The lotterv was the more popnlar among tli» wliito element here. as the sons of ti:e ramisters were sj)ending $30.000 h vear buying. Louisia'.ia tickets,. > f course, secretly. * However. Stevens and his fello\v raissionariēs trie.l to prot»-st hypocriticaliy. »g-»inst tliis latter oue, bnt iu the meaulinie soine j»dges <>f the Suprerne Conrt went secretly to the Qneen aml enconraged hcr :dl they c<>nld, telling her that the consfcitntion was defective and all the j>eople wisbed was a new cunst:tutiou. “The talk that the provisional governmeut wil! give Hawaii to Euglmd is all hosh. lt is siniply another frandnlent scheme of t!ie missioniiries to tempt the l nited 8tates to commit robbery.