Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 7, 25 September 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
jfnsurancr 2lotkf$. ROVAL 1XSURA\CH C0. OF LIVER POOL. The Largest in the World. ASSETS, JAN. 1, 1892, $42,432,174.00 Fire Risks on all kimls of Insnrance Proi>erty taken at Carrent R;»tes by ,T. !<. WALKE». Aprent for Hawaiian Inlaml*. Fire, Life Marine Hartford Fire InsTirance Co.. Asscts $7,109,825.49 London & Lancashire Fire Ins. Co.. Assets, $4.317.052.00 Tham.es «5c Mersey Marine Ins. Co., Assets, $6,124,057.00 New York Life Ins. Co.. Assets, $137,499,198.99 c. O. BERGEK, General Agent for Hawaiian Islands, Honolulu, H. I. H. E. McINTYRE & BK0„ IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Groceries, Provisions & Feed EAST CORNER F0RT & KIN(i STS. N«!W Gooils received bv everv P.«ckot frorn the Eastern States a»d Enrope. Fresb Culifornia i’ro«luce by every steamer. , _ , , . All Orders f .ithfully attend d to, aml Goods dohv. red to nnv p;>rt »f tlie City—Free of Ch <rge. Islan.l Orders soiicited. Satisfaction gnaranteed. Post Optice Box No. 145. īelephone No. 92. grand opening OF THE New Furniture Store ! Robinson Block. Hotel St., oppo. Bethel St FURNITURE, Upho!stery andCabinet Making ON* HANI) AN EXTESSIVE ASSORTMENT OF \Vicker W are, Aiitioue Oak Lieelpoom Suits, Chiffoniers, Sideboards, etc. Wardrobes, Mattrasses, Pillows, Etc., MADE TO ORDER No Second Hand or Damaged 6oods Kept on Hand. ORDWAY & PORTER, Robiason Bi ek. Hotel St., oppo. Bethel SL