Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 7, 25 Kepakemapa 1893 — Steamer Warrimoo Fined. [ARTICLE]
Steamer Warrimoo Fined.
A fine of ?400 was imp<>seil on tlieR. M. S. Warrimooyesterday, liy Collect >r Milne. afterCapt. J. C. Arthur »md Pnrser T. B. Young bad been heard in explaination of tlie aftair. The breach of the cust*»nis act cbarged was that an nmended manifest bad not been filed wheu the sbip carried away part of the c>irgo onginally manifested f<>v this purt. The ortense be ng »dmitted, though it hiid been done witl»out intent:on to violate the law, the collector had no optiou bnt to imp->ae the fine. whieu is the minimum prov»ded by law. The eapiain and j»ui-ser returned to Vancouvertbis morning. Capt. Arthur declared that he i>ad supposed all the requirements of the costoms laws h«d been cotnplied with wheu the shin left j«>rt, and he is quite »s well sat'sfied as are the ci-stoms anthorit es with the amended regnlations whieh will obviate a rej>etiti<>n of what has occurred. He discla'ins ull responsibility for the carrying aw.»y of the Victoria frcight, whieh was mude necessury by the peremptorv orders reoeived frora the ship’s’ agents to carry on to Vancouver the Sound freight, whieh had been loaded iu snch a wav that it would have ha*l to be lande<l at Victoriaas intended, in order t<> get at that f>>r this j>ort. He expresses himse';f as mneh annoyed that ciiculation shonld havo neen given t<> the ruraor that the steu?> ship company nr officers desired to fav<<r «ny port or any shipper in the interest of any «>ther, as thcv were most ansious to satisfy «11 witb whom they conld do business. — Colonint, Sept. 14-3