Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 7, 25 Kepakemapa 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Foreign Mail Senrice. Stearr §hipg wi!l leare lor and arrive from San Fr»nciaco, on the fullo*ing datea, ti!l tb« eioee of 1*93. * i*rom thc Watrr-frmrt. Arrivals. Sandap, 8ept. ‘J4. Jap. 8. S. Aikokn Mam, froin J.ipan. C. A. S. 8. Wammoo, from Victona. D< partures. Sun<l:iy, Sept. Ct. C A 8 S Wamimio, for Syduey. Ve3sel3 Leaving To-day. Stmr J A CniniuinN Xeil»>n. for Koolan. Stmr K.uUa, for Oaliu ports. Stmr M ikolii, McGregor, f■ >r Molok.u.Lanai an<1 Maui, at 5 p m. Stmr ilawaii, for Molokui and Mani. Sttur Pele, for Makaweli. Stmr J.tmea Makee, Uaglaud, for Kapaa and Uaualei, at 4 p m. Scbr Ka Moi, for Hamakua. Passenger3. AKKIVALS. From Viclorin, 11 C, per C A8S Warrimoo, Sept 24 —For Honolulu: Mrs Young, Mis.s Hepstead, Mr and Mrs Kmgbt, J G B 'thwell, K Ba3nholtz,/A Peek, E Field, Mr Bakor, Dr Smith, Mr Herriot, Gaorge Andrews, A H«rvery. Tbrongh posaeuge n: Hon M B iwell andservant, Hon Col \lisop, Eok nel Dal<on, Mr aad Mī-s L A Wrigut. Mr Tiemun, .1 l‘ritchard, Mr aud Mrs S Clementeon, W Evans. W G Bell, Mr and Mrs Turton, W MeKenae, R B Reutly, A Browu, W P«yne, S.tndford Fleming, Mi js Flemiug, K (' Fergnson, W F Eueiiauau, J T Rogers, Mr Mrs Rigby, H Sehmi.lt, W Dra;>er, J Sjient, T Wiiaon, R ShankLtnd, D Wa l iell, A F Sparkh un, G F Davieg, J«s Stiubnrry, A Papesity. From Mani, per stmr Ciaudine Sept 24 — Mrs.\ de la Nax and ehihl. H P Bald wiu, Mis« Massey, Mls> S W ,odhonsa, Mr< Ward. L Stoeck!e, S F Hnghs. Mrs Be&tty, 1 Morse, A Young San Lhoek, and 33 on deck. From Kauai. per stmr Iwal.ini, Sept 24— Miss Jordan, Miss Pinder. Misses Waterhonse (3), X Uomestead, A Freis, D B Mnrdock, E A Anson, Mrs Mel.oan aud ehihl. and 63 on deck. DEPARTfRr.«For Sydney, per C A S S Warriiuoo, Sept 24—Mrs M Q Hanua and iufaut, and a large nnmber of p tssengers in transit. For Sydney. per CASS Aikokn Marn, Sept 24— brought 45 Japanese passeugers yeaterday. Foreign Vessels Expected. (Thta 1 .ist does not inelu ie Steamers] vessels. where from. dne. Am bk Harrester 8 P (Hilo), .Ang 21 Am schr Robt Lewers ,SF Ang 25 Hr sh Co of MenoneUi,,NSW Sept 14 Am bkta Planter S F Sept 18 Am bk Cevlon S F v 'e;>t 2D Haw sohr i G Sorth ..8 F Sept 23 Haw bk \ndivw Welch.S F Sept 26 Am schr Tr,msit S F Sept 2S Aui schr Allen A Eim ka ...(.lel 1 USCrniaer CharieRton.. Oct — Am bk M.irtha Davts Bostun D.-e 20 G«r bk Nautilns Lirerpoi>l.. I>rc 30 Vessels in Port. r SS .\dama, NeLson. U S S Boston, Day. U S S Piulad;)ptua, Parker. Br aeh Noima. Yoki.ih tma. Aui -eb Alu-e C >oke. Peuhal! >w, Pgt Sonnd Am bk Discoreiy, Chn<rian.-eu. S F. Br bk D im. Pelenm, NewenaUe. N S W. Am bkt Tritigard.Sehmidt, Lavsan Island. Am bkt W H Dituoad. Ntds.nl S F. Am bkt S G VVilder, MeNeill. S F. Am sh TopgalUut, Jackaon, P.n Townsend Aai bk Detroit. Darrab, Nanaimo. Born. THOMAS—In Honolnln, Septi«uber 23, 1893. to the wffe of K. B. Tbomas. a dmcghter. The P. G. baod wili not give iU usual Eunna Square conceri this eveuiog, it pistvs for tbe *jUncers at the ball instead.