Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 7, 25 Kepakemapa 1893 — The Aikoku Maru. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Aikoku Maru.

The Japanese Steamer Aikokn Maru, Capt. Y. Fnrukawa, arrived here on Satnrday n ; ght at about 9 o’eloek, seventeen d iys out from Yokohama. She carries a carg<i of 8G0 tons of whieh 700 tons are eoai aud the rest general mercbaudise. Sl»e also brought 36 passengers. Messrs. K Ognn & Co. are tho agents, and if the experiment pr»jves a fmancial snccess, a regular direct steamsiiip line will be established between Japan and Konolulu. The stearner is expected to sail for Yokohama next Satnrday.