Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 6, 23 Kepakemapa 1893 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Band Concert. Following is tbe musical programme to he rendered by the P. G. band, at Emma Square lbis afternoon: 1. March—“8e«nper Soaza 2. Oyertare—“S*mir»n>ide" R ’anini 3. lntermeizo—“Cav*UeriaRustica' a'’.. Magoagni 4. Seioction — * ‘Belisario" Ooni*ftti 5. Walu— “Snltan” B ic*)o«ii 0. Fantasift —“Awakening of the I.ion, . Konuk ilawaii Ponoi. LOCAL NEWS. Base bali to-day. A morphine crank waa arreated last evenine, and lodged in the etation hoose. i The stea:ner J. A. Cummins < from Koolau, was reported cff * Koko Head at 11:30 a. m. , ! The O. 0. S. S. Oeeanie irar j be looked for on Monday next, , from the Orient. en route to San j Francisco. , i It is rumored, the Minister of 1 the Interior has requested the i eWk» of hie department to attend { the hall next Monday eveniDg. Sort of compaI»ory isn't it, N«xt. 3 V. ''.i . - \ ■■ v' -