Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 6, 23 Kepakemapa 1893 Edition 02 — How the Use of the Palaee Building was Obtained for next Monday Evening. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

How the Use of the Palaee Building was Obtained for next Monday Evening.

S xu-eii g»-iitleimu ( rt‘3unnabiy , aM iuembers uf tne An !ex.ition Ciub, meimli g mie f«»re gu C »nS!jl, , and St ven e vjl aud inilit-iry nflicers mnJer lhis e»vernment, are > ° the OoauuiUee .*f cilizeii3 of tbis cily, who a.<h,ed the g verniueut f.*r ihe nse uf t!i;.l buiiding, f>r nexi M*»nday uigtil. The request was imirediately granltd by the President of the Annnalion C;ub, whn also is acling Presid nt of the government. Query. When wns ihe meeting of tiie citizeiis, at whieh tiine the above Comiuittee was appoiuted held? The citizers of tbis city h ive noi betn consulted whatewr on the subject rr.atter, whether or no the P ilaee Building is an apur»priate or suitabie plaee to give the rntend ed reception in. The b.i!l is not a c : tizens’ allair, bot that <>f a poliiieal eluh. and ahould not be given m that building.