Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 6, 23 September 1893 Edition 02 — The Boat Race. [ARTICLE]

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The Boat Race.

The race between the Healanis «nd the Myrtles on the 4th of Oetober at Pearl Harbor, is the event of tlie season. —Both crews are practising, and both are sare b> win. The llealani bovs fly their blue flag at the Hawaiian Hutel and pro to bed earlv—that O « is most of thein. Clarenco Maefarlane who is the Captāin, needs a great deal of watching. Jack Atkinson is depntized to look after him, and he has got a eon- , tract on his hands. Clarence insists on ranning away to meeta ghaol at the cemeteiy—she never j comes though. Th« rest of the boys are doing well and we advi.se onr friends, to put their money on tbe Healanis. 1 The Myrtles are stationed at i Pearl City, and are doing some ] fine work in their new boat. Being oot of town and free from all temptations, the boys have a t good show to take the enp. ( There isn‘t even a grave yard \ roand tbeir god-forsaken qnar- <

ts tcrs We «drice our friends t pnt t!;e r amn*-v on Mvrtles •* Bv the » \. :f tbe Myrt:es actaal it lv u, «de the mde iu 19 miuaie: i- aud 3 sec r«ls. we dou't see wb) 1! the Healan s simald b the favor e itb>. aud tulds g vcn to the Myr i- t)cs >u lu*tt ug. The ticne givei; l, is 39 sceond> bettcr i*«an the besi e H ai«ni tme, and should ensure g an easv vict rv for tbe Mvrtles: ii nnle«s Ciarence «nd his boys t “Hft” their boiit, and remember r their iu* d-st s ng: 1 We arv 11»** li« alarĪ9 • f th«> w>«rM. 3 | Wr «re t’«e Cbaaip ; OD8 >«f the lan3, W «re —h No body ever heard tbe bal- . anee of tbat beautiful war dance. 1 I -